Can anybody let me know if the following logic could work within Actinic 9?
The objective of what I am trying to achieve is to have two navigation menus, one above the other:
1) the first would (ideally) use Norman Rouxel’s “collapso” add-on and would contain “products” which cannot be bought online and have “no layout” so that they resemble ordinary web pages; these “products” and sections would have a category of “webpage”, and only “webpage” category would display in this menu box. The first menu choice would be "Home", and the other choices would replace Actinic brochure pages, simulating a multi-level set of web pages.
2) and the second menu would be the “shop”, using the default shop menu system. All the shop sections would have a “webshop” category, and only this category would display in this menu box.
Once I know that the logic is possible, it then becomes a question of whether I am capable of preparing the “blockif” statements so that only the selected content displays in the appropriate menu box. I’d willingly pay for help to get this work done.
Also: is it possible to have different menu styles in the two boxes?
For background information, this work is to replace the v7 site at, and the new v9 site is in preparation at (using the “Expert” theme with some colour changes to match our new colours).
The objective of what I am trying to achieve is to have two navigation menus, one above the other:
1) the first would (ideally) use Norman Rouxel’s “collapso” add-on and would contain “products” which cannot be bought online and have “no layout” so that they resemble ordinary web pages; these “products” and sections would have a category of “webpage”, and only “webpage” category would display in this menu box. The first menu choice would be "Home", and the other choices would replace Actinic brochure pages, simulating a multi-level set of web pages.
2) and the second menu would be the “shop”, using the default shop menu system. All the shop sections would have a “webshop” category, and only this category would display in this menu box.
Once I know that the logic is possible, it then becomes a question of whether I am capable of preparing the “blockif” statements so that only the selected content displays in the appropriate menu box. I’d willingly pay for help to get this work done.
Also: is it possible to have different menu styles in the two boxes?
For background information, this work is to replace the v7 site at, and the new v9 site is in preparation at (using the “Expert” theme with some colour changes to match our new colours).