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Conversion Tracking in v9

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    Conversion Tracking in v9

    I have successfully (and relatively easily) added the GA code to a v9 site and now need to add the conversion tracking code for tracking adword click through conversions. Does anyone know if this is also a new feature of v9 or whether it is required to (simply?) add the code in to the receipt page?
    ps I know there is a multitude of Google Analytics posts out there, I have looked around to see if there is one specifically about v9 and Conversion Tracking but couldn't find one... hence this post...

    edit 01.08.08 I think I may be asking a question that has a relatively simple answer so will put the code into the receipt page anyway. if i have any problems then I'll report back on this post. otherwise consider it a relative waste of time and energy
    Chris Adams


    Has anyone managed to solve this one? I have the same problem and I have already added the tracking code to the receipt page but with negative results.

    I have been trying to get this working for several weeks now but Actinic do not support Adwords and told me to try different things!




      You don't need to add any code into your layouts. Just go to 'Marketing | Google Analytics' and enter your FULL Google Analytics number in there (i.e. the one that ends in '-1' (or '-2'/'-3'/'-4'/etc.)

      Actinic will take care of the rest. Also look in the main help for 'Google' and you'll see the instructions for setting up your goals in your GA dashboard.


        I am showing no conversions from my V9 site in either AdWords or Analytics and yet my online orders are up... I can see all other site activity in Analytics so the code is implemented properly?
        Webfaced - Award-Winning SellerDeck Web Design Agency


          Have you set up the goal in your Google Analytics account?

          The instructions are in the Actinic V9 help.
          Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
          SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
          Based in rural Northants


            Originally posted by cdicken View Post
            You don't need to add any code into your layouts. Just go to 'Marketing | Google Analytics' and enter your FULL Google Analytics number in there (i.e. the one that ends in '-1' (or '-2'/'-3'/'-4'/etc.)
            My ga code does not end with a '-1' (or '-2'/'-3'/'-4'/etc.

            My code looks like this UA-3887246 (numbers changed).

            Perhaps this is why google analytics say it recieving data but there are no reports to view?


              Google Conversion Tracking - I'm confused.

              According to the Google Adwords Conversion tracking setup one needs to enter a snippet of code only on the Action Page (which I am assuming could be receipt.html). Also the google_conversion_id is a 10 digit code. There is no field to enter the Action page URL at all during the process.

              Actinic places the analytics code snippet on every page.

              Can anybody explain what is going on here? Clearly I am missing something.
              John Legg
              The Debug Store



                I think people are getting confused between the two here when they are totally separate things

                In v9 adding your ga huber into the ga tab in marketing will activate google analytics only. Adword conversion tracking is not built into v9 and needs to be manually added to the reciept page.


                  Thank you Mal.

                  Now all is clear.

                  John Legg
                  The Debug Store



                    Originally posted by 7MAT View Post
                    My ga code does not end with a '-1' (or '-2'/'-3'/'-4'/etc.

                    My code looks like this UA-3887246 (numbers changed).

                    Perhaps this is why google analytics say it recieving data but there are no reports to view?
                    the -1 / -2 are generated by Google as identifiers for each web site you add to Google Analytics, the first would be UA-3887246-1, the second UA-3887246-2 etc. This allows google to identify the correct site to generate the reports.


                    SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
                    SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
                    Custom Packages


                      Originally posted by RuralWeb View Post
                      I think people are getting confused between the two here when they are totally separate things

                      In v9 adding your ga huber into the ga tab in marketing will activate google analytics only. Adword conversion tracking is not built into v9 and needs to be manually added to the reciept page.
                      Exactly! I am so pleased someone has finally seen my point. Analytics is completely different to Conversion Tracking. So we are no further on with the problem. There are obviously several stages in the checkout process and Actinic cannot tell me which page to add the tracking code to. Common sense tells me the receipt page would be the best one to use but I have the code in the receipt page and it will not verify in Google.

                      I currently have the tracking code under "View of a key page" in Google. I have also tried the "Purchase/Sale" option. There must be another way to get this working.

                      Many thanks,


                        if it's adwords conversion tea king you want then just place at the bottom of the reciept template only.

                        If it's google analytica then all you need to do is enter the ga number into the ga tab in marketing.

                        If after doing that you are still. Of tracking adwords conversions then the usual reason is that people are not being directed to the reciept page after purchase or you have not set the reciepit layout in options as without doing this it often fails to work.

                        If it's analytics that's not working and your talking about the econmerce reports then again you need to check the reciept page as if people are not being directed to it then the econmerce data will not be collected. If google says it's not recieving data then usually it due to an incorrect ga number being added. If that's. Of the case then try adding the code given by google directly into the layout.


                          Hi Mal,

                          Thank you for your help with this. It's been a nightmare!

                          I have the tracking code on the receipt page and it now listed in Google Adwords as "Active", however it is not providing conversions. What do you mean about the receipt layout in options? I simply pasted the code above the /body tag as usual but have not changed anything else.

                          The client uses Protx and we do have an issue where Protx does not always redirect customers to the receipt page but this is only an intermittent problem and in most cases works okay.

                          Many thanks,


                            Originally posted by malbro View Post
                            the -1 / -2 are generated by Google as identifiers for each web site you add to Google Analytics, the first would be UA-3887246-1, the second UA-3887246-2 etc. This allows google to identify the correct site to generate the reports.
                            Adding '-1' to the end of my ga code has got it working!

