We've set up the offer where by you enter a coupon code and it will then give you a PE Bag free of charge. If you hadn't added the item it gave a little link underneath the cart contents to the free item (whereby you could add it).
All seemed to be working fine, but for some reason when you now go to the cart/checkout and you see the list of items (including a line for the discount)the page auto-refreshes itself and the discount item is removed.
Any one got any ideas why this might be so?
We've set up the offer where by you enter a coupon code and it will then give you a PE Bag free of charge. If you hadn't added the item it gave a little link underneath the cart contents to the free item (whereby you could add it).
All seemed to be working fine, but for some reason when you now go to the cart/checkout and you see the list of items (including a line for the discount)the page auto-refreshes itself and the discount item is removed.
Any one got any ideas why this might be so?