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How do I get background image for brochure innerlayout (not for whole screen)?

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    How do I get background image for brochure innerlayout (not for whole screen)?


    I have searched the threads for ages and can find lots of entries for background images for the whole screen but not for specific sections of the website.

    I would like to put an image on the back of some of my brochure pages (I assume the innerlayout) - so that when I write fragment entries with the image behind the text. I do not want the image to cover the left navigation pages or the top of the screen. What do I write in the style sheet and what and where do I write on the brochure pages?

    I am not very technical so please can anyone give me very simple step by step basics of how to do it?

    Thanks so much.

    If you want it to cover the whole brochure page beneath the fragments switch to design tab, in the content tree click on a brochure page. In the preview window click on a fragment and navigate to the parent layout (the yellow up arrow at the bottom of the code window) ... you should get a layout called something similar to "Standard Brochure Fragment List".

    At the top of the code layout you will see an orange link "Click here to edit list layout settings" .. click on the link.

    In the pop up ensure on the tab "Overall Design" and the top box "Start of list" will be something like:

    HTML Code:
    <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
    add a space before the last ">" and add in there:

    background="image.gif" .. replace with the name of your actual image filename

    HTML Code:
    <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" background="image.gif">
    Apply and OK out to see the changes.

    ensure image.gif sits in the root of the site folder. You may need to add the file to the Design > Additional Files so Actinic uploads (you shouldn't but never know)

    There are other ways with CSS but that is the easiest solution if you are new to HTML

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

