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Problem: Incorrect Tax Calculation on Permutations.

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    Problem: Incorrect Tax Calculation on Permutations.

    The issue is this:
    Tax Mode: Simple.
    Product Price Entered: Inclusive of Tax.

    Create a Product.
    Price Layout: Standard Tax Exclusive Price.
    Give the product a price of £100
    This will result in the product displaying 'Price Excl VAT: £85.11
    Okay to here.

    Now create a new product and create:
    Component, (called 'Option')
    Attribute, (called 'Finish')
    Choice, (called 'Waxed')
    Choice, (called 'Unwaxed')
    Give the choices prices of £100 and £200 respectively.
    What is then displayed in the Drop Down is:
    'Waxed £100 Excluding VAT'
    'Unwaxed £200 Excluding VAT'

    Actinic Support don't appear to have this as a BUG.

    Now that would suggest that I have done something wrong.
    However, I created a new site (and so have Support.), and the same problem occurs.
    I cannot believe that I am the only one to have come across that.
    What IS scary, is that someone has added permutations in this, the normal way, and not noticed!

    Any takers?

    Hi Roger,

    Try the following (take a backup first):

    - on the 'Design' tab preview pane, click on one of your choice drop-down boxes and it should display the 'Drop-Down Permutation List' layout in the code window

    - double-click on the layout variable in this layout (default is 'Drop Down Permutation Entry') to edit that layout

    - in this layout, double-click on the 'PermutationPrice' layout variable (pink and underlined) to edit that layout

    - locate the 'PermutationPriceRaw' variable (blue and underlined) and replace only that variable with:

    round(<actinic:variable name="PermutationPriceRaw" /> / 1.175, <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />)
    - apply the change and the price should be shown ex VAT.


      Many thanks Tracy.
      That did it.


        I have the problem in reverse. Where general website prices are given inc VAT but my permutations prices show as Ex VAT when looking at the website. I tried applying the opposite principles but it caused a coding error.

        I input all my prices ex vat, but tell Actinic to show as Inc VAT. I want all the permutation prices to show as inc VAT too.

        Original coding:
        formattedcurrency(<actinic:variable name="PermutationPriceRaw" />,
        Attempted upate:
        formattedcurrency round(<actinic:variable name="PermutationPriceRaw" /> * 1.175,
        I tried a few similar variations but they all caused a coding error.

        Can anyone tell me the correct code change to make?

        The product search has a similar issue. I want it to search for products by inc. Vat price but it is doing Ex VAT price searches at the moment.

        Help please!
        Last edited by calmncomfy; 18-Sep-2008, 08:43 AM. Reason: Additional info : Improving well being and enjoyment of life - Naturally



          You need the full line that I posted above - just change the divide sign (/) to the multiply sign (*) and it should work.

          As for the search, take a look at this thread (back up any files before editing them).

