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Detecting NULL values in shopping cart

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    Detecting NULL values in shopping cart


    I'm wanting to create a pop-up that appears when you hover over the checkout link wherebt it is only invoked if the cart value and cost is at zero.

    If you hover over "BASKET" on this fashion website you'll see what I'm aiming to do:

    I was basically going to write a BLOCK IF statement that would display the code I have written only if the cart values are of null value. However, I'm not sure if there are any variables in Actinic that would allow me to achieve this, consider the orderline is written using JavaScript.

    I know how to do the pop-up, I just not sure if I can detect cart values in Actinic. Has anyone ever tried this? Or have any ides?

    Blockifs don't work online, so scrap that idea. You will need to use Javascript to interact with the cookie that holds this data I expect, have a look in the standard shopping cart summary layout you will see the fields used, there are a few fields available in the cookie, you will only need the one though i think (items).

    Seriously though, what on earth is the point, ASDA or Tesco don't feel the need to stick a sign on my trolley while it is empty, technology for technology's sake that is IMO. If they don't know whether their basket is empty or not, how will they ever manage to successfully get through a checkout process?


      Something like

      onmouseover="if (getCartItem(3) == 0){// disable click - display popup}"
      onmouseout="// reenable click - drop popup"
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Hi All

        Thanks for your comments. I'll have a play!

        PS: Regarding the BLOCK IF, dont worry I realise it doesnt work online lol Think must of been my wording.

