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QuickSearchBar - Alignment!?

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    QuickSearchBar - Alignment!?

    Have currently added the quicksearchbar into our sire using searchable properties, we've got all that set up and working well. I'm wanting to place it in the top header of our site, but am wanting to change the layout of how the variable is.

    You can have a look a how it currently is @ classixshop dot com. At the moment it is in a single column, but i would it be be i as 1 row (or 3 columns) as one horizontal line. any idea's on this? Much appreicated!

    HTML Code:
    <form name="simplesearch" method="get" action="<actinic:variable name="OnlineScriptURL" value="Search Script URL" />">
             <input type="hidden" name="page" value="search" />
             <input type="hidden" name="SS" value="" />
             <input type="hidden" name="PR" value="-1" />
             <input type="hidden" name="TB" value="A" />
    <actinic:variable name="SearchablePropertyList" />
              <input type="image" value="ACTION" name="search" src="search_button.gif" alt="<actinic:variable name="QuickSearchButtonText" />" />
    is the current code i'm using for the variable.

    Actually i tell i lie, it's not on our live site atm :P but heres a snapshot showing where it i placed! lol
    Attached Files
    Cheers FrAz


    In the 'Standard Searchable Property' layout you need to remove the <tr> and <td> tags (and the closing ones too) and put them around the 'SearchablePropertyList' variable in the code above, so it will look something like:

    <actinic:variable name="SearchablePropertyList" />

    You may also need to go remove <br/> tags too. If it still doesn't look right try putting a border on the table so you can see what's going on. You may want to take a backup before making these changes too.


      Thanks Tracey, I'll have a tinker with that and get back to yuo with my findings.
      Cheers FrAz


        Changed the code to suit and works great, thanks for your attention to my problem. Implimented it into our primary_header. Cheers

        Cheers FrAz

