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A product that can add text?

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    A product that can add text?

    Hello all. We have a keyring product, and the great part about this, is that a user can have his/her own personal editable text, and we will burn it for them. 5 lines of text or so, with 30 words each.

    Now, we need to have this product in our shop - but somehow we need a client to be able to add his/her text somewhere in the shop. Is this possible somewhere in the actinic program? Nothing special - just the ability for someone to add text and then add to the cart.

    Very similar to this website and keyring - thanks for any help here.

    Check the knowledge base.

    Last edited by KB2; 23-Mar-2010, 11:01 AM. Reason: Updating kb links

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks Mike, that is very good. but, ATM theres only one line - we need to be able to add 5 lines. ie -

      John doe
      +44 121 12 12 121212 1212
      +44 332 23234 2342
      Penicillic Allergy

      Currently i cannot see how to do this by using that system? Do you think it will be possible if i hack the actinic program itself somehow? Thank you.


        norm at drillpine has a plugin which will do this no problem


          Normski at has a multi info prompt addon, take a look at that is your best bet IMO.


            Originally posted by leehack View Post
            Normski at has a multi info prompt addon, take a look at that is your best bet IMO.
            You pipped me to the post there Lee...

            EDIT: "and you Mal..."

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            Find the answers in the Knowledge Base | Have you read the User Guides


              He has one specifically for engraving where you can limit the text.

              Sounds like you have a product I may be interested in buying - is your site live yet


                Its a "dogtag" product but its a USB "stick" - we have them online. I will give u the link in person of u want.

                I will check thro that link, thx!

                Altho there is a way in actinic itself - I have to hack the "". I must admit, im not sure where it is exatcly - i searched thro the system and there are THREE versions in it! 2 are "backup" and one in the "orginal" assumes that would be the one that will be used....

                Anyway this is what ive had to hack...doesnt work straight away (

                # CUSTOMISATION BEGIN
                # Alternate processing:
                # If you would like two info prompt fields for a given product
                # then your custom code should look like:
                if ($sProdref eq "5")
                my @aValues = split /\|\|\|/, $sValue;
                if ($bStatic)
                $sHTML = join "<BR>", @aValues;
                $sHTML = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=\"80\" NAME=\"O_1_$nIndex\" VALUE=\"" . $aValues[0] . "\"><BR>";
                $sHTML .= "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=\"80\" NAME=\"O_2_$nIndex\" VALUE=\"" . $aValues[1] . "\">";
                # Note: the functions below should also reflect your customisation
                # CUSTOMISATION END
                Last edited by KB2; 23-Mar-2010, 10:59 AM. Reason: Updating kb links


                  Making additional info prompts


                  I have tried this but can't get it to work.

                  I have V9, and am told by Actinic Support they they would expect it to work on this version.

                  Has anyone had any experience of it actually working ?




                    If you need to contact support, you'll most likely find that buying the packaged up addon is the best course of action. That certainly works, is dirt cheap and comes with free advice/support if needed via their forum.

