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Registering a design in DW

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    Registering a design in DW

    Hi Guys,

    Back with more problems...

    I can create an external design in DW and register it with Actinic, so far so good, but I can't submit subsequent changes, as the "Submit Changes to Actinic" option is greyed out in the menu. I've done a forum search, but couldn't find anything in v9.

    That wouldn't be such a problem if I could force Actinic to update when I make changes, but it's being rather temperamental.

    I think I started to open this can of worms when I built the original layout.html outside the actinic site folder...

    I'm tempted to delete the layout and start again, but when I did that earlier, it wouldn't let me create a new one because one already existed with the same name - but I couldn't find it in the library to delete it.

    Please can someone point me in the right direction to untangle this mess?


    "Submit Changes to Actinic" option is greyed out in the menu
    This will only be active if you are editing an existing Actinic layout (ie have clicked on the 'Edit Layout in Dreamweaver' button in Actinic).

    When you have created your own layout in DW then once you have registered it the changes should update in Actinic automatically once you save the file in DW.

    I'm tempted to delete the layout and start again, but when I did that earlier, it wouldn't let me create a new one because one already existed with the same name - but I couldn't find it in the library to delete it.
    If you can't see it in the library then you could try deleting it from the database. It should be in the 'DesignObjects' table in the 'ActinicCatalog.mdb' file in your site folder (take a backup before doing this).


      Hi Tracey, thanks for your reply.

      When you say an existing Actinic layout, do you mean one of the default ones, or one that I've created and previously registered?

      I've tried amending the layout both ways - create and register in DW (works ok, but can't submit further changes), and opening a registered one from actinic and clicking edit layout in dw. In both cases the button is greyed out.

      In response to the second point, It let me name a new layout the same name I'd previously used after a few attempts. There might have been a shutdown and restart of actinic in there too. Does actinic hold onto names?


        When you say an existing Actinic layout, do you mean one of the default ones, or one that I've created and previously registered?
        Any layout created within Actinic (ie not ones created in Dreamweaver).

        Does actinic hold onto names?
        It will do if the design is still listed anywhere in the software - maybe this article about un-registering a design might help.
        Last edited by KB2; 23-Mar-2010, 10:55 AM. Reason: Updating kb links


          I get the feeling I'm going about this the wrong way (story of my life )

          So, I create an outer layout within actinic, edit it within dw, then I should be able to submit changes back to actinic?


            Ian when you register the design with Actinic, it warns you about putting it in the right place, if you did that part and then registered the design, you do not need to click on submit changes at all. Simply (in DW) open up your template, make your change and save it as you normally would in DW. Switch back to actinic, click off the existing page and the page will show your update. Once submitted, there is a permanent link to that file, a save is all that you need to update it.


              Just make sure you set your DW site to be the same location as your Actinic site folder.


                Sorry I didn't get back to you. Thanks for your comments, however this site has had to go on the back burner while I work on other stuff. I'll revisit at a later date.

                Thanks for your help on this one.

