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Stock Levels

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    Stock Levels

    Having read various threads about stock level messages and stock it possible to display stock availability on the check out page, receipt and emails?

    For example

    Prouct No ABC

    Description XYZ

    Available 100

    Qty 200

    Price Each 1.00

    Total £200

    Then the other 100 are on back order.

    I can't get StockLevel variable on checkout or email though and when I use Quantity on the checkout pages I get the prompt box again.

    So are any of these possible?

    Gilbo.......holding his breath in anticipation!!

    More info, as I'm turning blue....

    I have read and re-read the the help files on Stock Monitoring etc but cannot get my head around the logic. I know that the monitoring is not realtime but I want customers to be able to place orders if the item is out of stock but be shown the lead time expected of more stock becoming available.

    I have created a new variable and added it to the Stock page, added in some values, ticked the stock monitoring box, added some stock in-hand, set the waring lif below to "1" and the suspend orders if below to "0"

    I get no warning messages about no available stock if I put more than the in-hand amount in the basket.

    This is not easy and very frustrating


      Originally posted by agilbo View Post

      I get no warning messages about no available stock if I put more than the in-hand amount in the basket.
      Unfortunately, that is normal Actinic behaviour!

      You need to set your 'Maximum quantity' (orderable) figure, in the 'details' tab of your product, to the same as your 'in stock' figure to prevent a customer ordering more than you hold in stock.

      (don't even get me started on this, I'm in a 'calm place' this morning!)


        Sounds like you have the various parts in place, but you have not tied them in to work together. Variables do not look at themselves and think oh hang on Andy has called this such and such so he needs this linked to this part when he switches this part on, they have to be told.

        On a product layout you have 3 stock variables available to you, one of which is stock in hand. You would usually set a condition (BlockIf) that monitors the number in that variable and when it reaches a certain level, then it fires the message you have setup on your new variable.

        The 'English' logic is something like:

        "If the Stock Level is 1 or less, then show the contents of my new variable"

        If the stock level is not at one then this condition will never be met and therefore never show. You will have (in broad strokes) something like as follows:

        BlockIf - this part is where the stock level variable is evaluated
        Andy's New Variable

        The contents of your new variable will then show, if the stock level condition is met.


          Oh dear, this isn;t good news. There are 2700 products and stock changes are very regular/often. I'm already have a ticket out because the external file link for stock levels doesn't work.

          I will take a deep breath and browse the forum and kb for a way round this.



            Show your current stock level on the product layout also to alleviate much of this.


              Hi LeeHack,

              there are quite a lot of items that have associated components to create a choice. These have their own stock levels and showing them would be a design nightmare and not preferred by the client as he doesn't want to show stock levels only let the customer know if the qty available if over ordered along with the lead time.

              It is not possible to carry over the stock level to the cart?


                The stock levels are in the .cat files i believe, to use these at cart/checkout level, you'd need to read them via the scripts i'd expect.


                  How long does it take to get this extra stock in?
                  Football Heaven

                  For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                    depends, ranges from 4 to 14 days dependant on supplier. His old, bespoke site handled this fine but looks like Actinic is coming up short on quite a few things here.


                      I'd have been tempted to use the `stock from supplier` delivery time into the actual site delivery time. If they get the stock, err, from stock, and it gets out much quicker then you have a very chuffed customer.

                      The longer standard delivery time may put some customers off though of course.

                      Just something to consider thats all, but hardly a solution to the specific problem.
                      Football Heaven

                      For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                        Hi George,

                        The leadtime is important but only after the customer has entered the qty and knows if there is enough stock or not. These are small value items but are ordered in the hundreds and sometimes thousands per order. Stock and availability can determine whether the customer places the whole order so putting an out of stock or lead time on the product page will put the customer off browsing.


