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Online selling psychology: The upsell

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    it's just like anyother service you pay for IMO. The reviews are pushed to your desktop if your pc is on so it's almost instant. The subject of having a system based on your own server has been discussed before iirc.


      Originally posted by RuralWeb View Post
      The subject of having a system based on your own server has been discussed before iirc.
      Found a couple of threads, earlier this year you were in favour of hosting on web site server, have you now changed your mind having used the codepath system?


      SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
      SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
      Custom Packages


        I rink we are diverting gabes thread. Why not start one about the plugin.


          thanks malc.

          Well, i like the wiggle strategy.

          I quote this from here:

          1. Deluxe Upsell-You could sell a basic product and tell people for a little more money they can receive the deluxe edition.

          2. Money Upsell-You could offer people the rights to sell the product they are buying from your business. You could charge an extra $30 dollars to get the reproduction rights.

          3. Discount Upsell-If you're selling a product people may order again in the future like shave gel, you could offer them a second can of shave gel at a discount.

          4. Time Upsell-If you're selling a product or service people subscribe to, like a magazine, you could tell them if they subscribe for two years instead of one, they can receive it half off the cover price.

          5. Quantity Upsell-This is similar to the discount upsell. The only difference is you increase the discount by how many products they order. If they order 3 it's a 10% discount, if they order 5 it's a 15% discount.

          6. Package Upsell-When you're selling a product you could offer similar products in a package deal. Tell the people the other products are cheaper with the package deal versus purchasing them separately.

          7. Affiliate Upsell-When you're selling a product you could offer someone else's product as an upsell. You would have to make a commission on the product in order to profit.

          8. Free Upsell-You could offer a free sample or trial of your product (your first sale would be free) and then tell people if they order the full version right now they will get a discount.

          9. Extra Upsell-There are many things you could charge extra for at the time of sale. It could be gift wrapping, imprinting, custom designs, etc.

          10. Extended Upsell-If your product comes with a warranty, you could ask people if they would like to extend the warranty one more year for only $30.

          In conclusion, you can use one or all these strategies to increase your profits at the point of sale. Don't be afraid to use your imagination to come up with other upsell strategies.
          Generally, Actinic has a lot of these covered.

          What i'd be interested in doing, is the realtime user tracking, so that you can build a picture of their 'needs' before they commit to buying.

          Part of the power of amazon, is the fact that they are pro-actively selling you things you looked at. A very clever tech, i'm sure you'll agree.

          This is componded by the notion that you can create wishlists, and favourites within the amazon platform. Once you create a wishist, everything in it becomes easy prey for the statistics crunching apps inside amazon. They will use all and every data to get a list of things you 'want'.

          I feel it probably goes even deeper than that.

          For example, what if you added an two items, to your wishlist, and someone else added two items, and between you, you shared one items common. Then, it'd be logical to assume that I might be interested in the item the other guy has. This item I may purchase.

          Social facets to sales are just as important I think, not just the purchasing footprint of a single interested party.


            Originally posted by malbro View Post
            My original question was based on my understanding that the codepath system stored the reviews on their server and that you paid a yearly fee for this.
            one time fee according to the website.

            Trialing at the moment and it looks good.
            Home Cinema Receivers and Speakers for Audio Visual Entertainment
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              lol, well, comments are definately all about marketing. its actually about trust.

              if you trust the site you're viewing, then you're more inclined to buy from them. bigger sites already have trust. i'd not think twice about buying from amazon, dabs, play etc.

              a site full of glowing reviews is definately more likely to garner a sale, especially when the reviews are from real people, and that you ahve the oppertunity to past a comment yourself.

              for all those interested, I have coded a very simple comments system. the comments are hosted online, in a mysql database. not becasue i dont like the codepath system, i happen to think they have done it in a very clever way, but simply, becasue i can.


              please, dont flood this test with comments, since they are moderated and i'll have to tidy them up.

              - no uploading required to update comments. its done with php includes.

              now this kind of tool (peoples comments) are good for 2 main reasons: trust, and seo.

