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Add to cart bounce back

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    Add to cart bounce back


    How is the add to cart bounce back suppose to work? As mine doesn't seem to be very consistant. When i add something to the cart, it will sometimes go back to the product page that has just been added, but then sometimes it bounces back to a completely random product page.

    How is this bounce back suppose to work and can I control it so that it goes back to the product that was just added?


    it will sometimes go back to the product page that has just been added
    It's supposed to do this all the time.

    but then sometimes it bounces back to a completely random product page.
    Can you provide a URL and examples of when it doesn't do it so we can try and see what's happening please.


      Hi Tracey,

      Sorry for the delayed response.

      The URL is If you go to any product in either Birchwood or Toolboxes and add a product to the basket, then it will bounce back to the Van Vault Mobi product page, which is the first product in Birchwood (so basically the first product in the whole store).


        I don't know if you'd noticed, but your Shopping Cart doesn't display the items added either.

        Army Gore-tex
        Winter Climbing Mitts
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          I have turned off the bounce to cart page off, so that it should just stay on the product page. But it does add the product to the cart, as the basket summary at the top is updated and if you go to checkout, the products are added to cart there.


            I have just checked it in firefox, and that doesn't seem to update the basket summary when you add to basket, though it does add the product, as it is in there when you go to checkout.

            I have been checking it in ie7. So will just check it in ie6 now.


              Ok, i have checked it in ie6 ie7 ie8 as well as firefox.

              So does Actinic support firefox? Is it suppose to work ok in it or have I just done something really worng and not reaised?

              (before you say anything, this site is still in development and i know there are styling issues in ie6 and ie8 but I am just trying to get the functionality working before looking into those).


                So does Actinic support firefox?
                It should work in Firefox. My guess is it's something to do with turning off the bounce - how did you do that because as far as I know that is not something that's standard within Actinic.


                  I've never had a problem using FF with Actinic and I'm fairly certain if there was we'd have heard about it by now.

                  The site is still bouncing back from what I can see...

                  Army Gore-tex
                  Winter Climbing Mitts
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                    I removed the bounce page by following the instructions on the Actinic Advanced Guide document. There is a page in there titled 'Removing the Bounce Page when Adding to Cart' where it says to do the following:

                    Go to line 1122

                    @Response = ReturnToLastPage($nBounceDelay, ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1962) . $sCartHTML . ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 1970) . ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2051),$sPageTitle); # bounce back in the broswer

                    And relace with:
                    @Response = ReturnToLastPage(0,""); # immediate bounce back in the browser without page display

                    So i did this and it worked. When I clicked add to basket then it no longer went to the cart page then bounced back, it just now bounces back to the product page (though not the correct product page).


                      Note: you must ensure that 'Bounce Page Delay' (in 'Design | Design Options' is set to something other than '0'.
                      Have you made sure this is set up correctly in Actinic?

                      Army Gore-tex
                      Winter Climbing Mitts
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                        I've just tried the change you describe in a default site and it works fine in firefox and the cart summary is also updated. Can you confirm that you have done what Rich has pointed out.

                        I've also tried your site and it bounced back to the correct product page - I tested the Fire Safe product in the Birchwood section.



                          I'm so sorry, it looks like it was just a cache/cookie problem on my browser, as i have got my work friend to look at it on his pc and it works, and you say it works. So i have just restarted my browser and tried it and it seems to work.

                          Though the issue with firefox is still there, how it doesn't update the basket summary but it does add the product to the cart, as its in the checkout.

                          Any ideas on that one?


                            Hey Aimee

                            Make sure in your network setup, for catalog url and cgi-bin url, you put in www in the beginning. I see from your setting you haven't

                            'CATALOG_URL' => '',
                            'CGI_URL' => '',
                            This would explain why the shopping cart summary is not working properly

                            Kind Regards


                              Hi Nadeem,

                              Thanks, I added the www in the network setup and it fixed the firefox problems.

                              So thanks to all of you for help, my functionality problems are now solved, i just have browser compatibility issues to fix now.


