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New 15% VAT rate

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    Roger you do seem to like your separate technical, ethical and business threads. Can't they just be one big subject, less posts to flick through and let conversations roll, not control, a little more?


      Originally posted by leehack View Post
      Roger you do seem to like your separate technical, ethical and business threads. Can't they just be one big subject, less posts to flick through and let conversations roll, not control, a little more?
      On the one hand people get accused of mixing tecnichal with ethical.
      On the other hand people get accused of splitting threads.
      Then of course there are the whimsical comments that cloud serious threads whilst others go completely 'off message'
      It does make it difficult to search for technical problems when there are is so much dross confusing it.

      For me, I see that a technical issue about VAT and an ethical issue about VAT are two distinct topics.

      The reason I posted in the Business Issues section is because it is a Business Issue and not a Technical one.

      If I am wrong, then what is the point of different forum sections?


        Originally posted by Jarvis View Post
        If I am wrong, then what is the point of different forum sections?
        So you can post your ethical, whimsical, technical and business issues in different places I guess. We are human beings not pigeons, we don't fit into pigeon holes. Do you sit on different seats at your friends house dependant on which subject you chat about? Conversation rolls, changes direction, goes completely off topic, comes back on, goes off on another tangent, that is conversation Roger, whether you, I or anyone like or dislike it.

        PS - I never said you was wrong, i commented on your apparent love to split a conversation into 'controlled areas', which IMO is crap.


          Originally posted by leehack View Post
          Do you sit on different seats at your friends house dependant on which subject you chat about?
          No but when I talk to a techy, I don't want to examine the ethical issues with him. (Unless, of course we retire down the pub afterwards).
          Originally posted by leehack View Post
          PS - I never said you was wrong, i commented on your apparent love to split a conversation into 'controlled areas', which IMO is crap.
          Then scrap them and just have one thread.

          I do apologise for appearing argumentative, I promise you that it was not my intention to do so.
          Far from it, I was simply trying to do the right thing.
          I see enough complaints about topics already covered etc.

          So, just for you Lee


            Originally posted by Jarvis View Post
            I do apologise for appearing argumentative, I promise you that it was not my intention to do so.
            You don't appear argumentative at all to me, i read your forum quite regularly and understand where you come from and what you think. I just think that splitting conversations up too much can actually take away or hide some of the great info inside at times.


              Lee, Roger

              I've just posted a new thread with technical and general advice on making the VAT changes here.

              It points to this new knowledge base article ...

              Last edited by KB2; 23-Mar-2010, 09:31 AM. Reason: Updating kb links
              Ben Popplestone
              Ecommerce website software


                LOL @ Ben with the cool surname. You don't seem to touch on the ethical aspect though, is there another thread somewhere (sorry Roger couldn't resist)?


                  Tut Tut Lee.
                  The KB is totally the wrong place for ethical issues.
                  That is technical.

                  However, I am currently contemplating a short article to be placed in 'The Register' or possibly 'The Mail'.
                  Entitled, "The Actinic User's Guide to Ethics", Subtitled "As expounded by the Archbishop of Canterbury and Desmond Tu Tu"
                  It will touch on many of the ethical dilemmas that are met day by day by Actinic Users.
                  Typically, Where do I make this post?, Who will it offend' Should I report this bug in open forum, closed forum or contact support?, Coffee or Lager?

                  I might even start a post somewhere to solicit ideas.
                  (Sorry Lee, couldn't resist).


                    PMSL Roger.


                      Brilliant article, now everybody knows what to do.

                      However, for somebody with some 10,000 items and entered INCLUSIVE, time and effort are against them.
                      For them, I say simply change the VAT rate to 15% as if prices had been entered EXCLUSIVE.
                      Publish that.

                      Prices will remain the same on the site but legal obligations will have been fulfilled.
                      THEN, go in and change prices at leisure with whatever price you wish.

                      That then poses a moral dilemma but that is discussed elsewhere on this forum.


                        ... then there are the purveyors of booze and fags with the additional duty to levy. Does that require a new thread or a separate forum?

                        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

