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Changing filename on extended info

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    Changing filename on extended info

    I am trying to use extended info pages which open in same window.

    How can I change the default filename to something meaningful?
    e.g Info_productname.html

    I have tried replacing the "entended info page file name" in the layout but this seems to make no difference.

    Any pointers?
    Alan Johnson

    Quality Parrot Cages & Accessories by Parrotize UK
    Pet Accessories by Animal Instinct

    With in the contents tab, select the product you want to change and within the product details navigate to Extended Information, and you will see a section called Popup page.
    In the box below change the file name to what you want
    "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"


      This is changed on the extended info tab of the product, unless you are on a duplicate i expect in which case you will need to enable that field as one that can be changed on a duplicate.


        thanks for prompt replies but I know how to change the page name manually.

        I am looking to change the default to automate the filename generation to something "friendly" (not info_123x-pqnz.html!)
        Alan Johnson

        Quality Parrot Cages & Accessories by Parrotize UK
        Pet Accessories by Animal Instinct


          Cant be done, dont use them anyway, they are rubbish, switch to using sections instead. SPP is where it is at.


            OK Lee, I'll take your advice but its a pain in butt cos I also want to upgrade a site from V7 which I developed using entended info in the same window.

            This means the upgrade is going to be extremely time consuming!!!

            Thanks anyway.
            Alan Johnson

            Quality Parrot Cages & Accessories by Parrotize UK
            Pet Accessories by Animal Instinct


              If you are going to upgrade general opinion is that you'd probably be better of creating a design from scratch as the software is quite different now. So perhaps a good time to switch to SPP.

              However there's this thread that's probably worth a read if you are going to upgrade.

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                Maybe in the interim you could export to excel, create a formula to create decent page names, put it in the extended info page name field and reimport. Sounds feasible, I've never done it myself though as i don't use them.

