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Report export formats

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    Report export formats

    Is there anywhere that the formats and content of the generated CSV format exported order files (buyers.csv, orderlines.csv, orders.csv, payments.csv, persons.csv) is defined? I need to know where they're being populated from and what some of the generated codes mean. Although many of the fields are fairly obvious, some are not!

    Many thanks


    OK - I've just found the definitions in the Actinic help file! However there seem to be some fields in the export file which are not included in these lists - for example a column headed 'cost price' in the orderline.csv file, one labelled 'Tax inclusive' in orders.csv and a number of fields in payments.csv including things like 'card hash' and 'card reference'.

    The description in the help file seems to tally with export files we had in earlier versions of Actinic but there seem to have been some additions which haven't made it into the documentation. Is theer a list somewhere of where these are populated from?


      Hi Richard,

      The missing fields are as follows:


      Tax Inclusive - Boolean flag indicating whether the order was placed in tax inclusive mode (inclusive is 1, exclusive is 0)

      Invoice No - It's the invoice number when tax point handling is enabled.

      Tax Point - Tax point date when tax point handling is enabled.


      Cost Price - It is the cost price of the product contained by the order line(Cost Price field on General tab of Product Details)


      PSP Provider ID - Numerical ID of the PSP used for payment (IDs can be found in 'Help | Exporting Data | Fields in the Order Export).

      The ones below are used by Actinic payment only.

      AVS Result - Result of the address validation.

      CVV2 Result - Result of the CVV2 validation

      Zip Code Check Result - Result of the ZIP code validation

      3D Secure Check Result - Result of the 3DS validation

      3D Secure Check Enrolled - Indicates whether 3DS check was enrolled

      Card Hash & Card Reference - Values securely identifying the card used for the transaction. It enables repeat payment from the same merchant account.

      I've reported it to the development team that they are missing from the Help file.


        Tracey, perfect, just what I needed. Many thanks for your help.


