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Sending emails to buyers?

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    Sending emails to buyers?

    Let me first of all declare myself to be a newbie coward. Having read all the problems associated with 9.0.3, I will stay with 9.0.2 until my therapist has more time for me!
    Our site is sign-in account customers only. Each account has multiple buyers on it and the Main Contact isn't a Buyer. We want to send email acknowlegements of order to the individual Buyer rather than to the Main Contact. To that end, I've been trying every combination of "Send email confirmation of orders" on the Buyers tab and "Send email for every order placed" on the Main Contact tab I can think of, but I haven't found the right combination yet. So far, they all send emails to the Main Contact or no emails at all.
    I'm begining to think there might not be a 'right combination' which sends an email to the bloke who placed the order, but not to the head honcho of the company.
    Is that right?


    I have the 'Send Email for every order placed' unticked on the 'Account' tab and the 'Send email confirmation of orders' ticked on the 'Buyers' tab and I only get an email as the buyer. I am using v9.0.3 but I can't see that any changes have been made in this area from 9.0.2.

