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New user... Section lists

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    New user... Section lists

    Hi everyone

    I'm new on here and new to Actinic so please excuse me if I as for basic help.

    I am setting up an Actinic site (obviously!) and am having two problems. I have spent several days trying solutions on here but just can't seem to get it to work... Thankfully the snapshots have enabled me to roll things back.

    I am using the smart theme for this...

    I would like my section list to only display the top section in the list, then as the user rolls over the title a box pops out with the subsections in and so on.. much like the windows start bar does.

    So far... as I understand it I should setup a variable to indicate the level, then use blocks to hide the levels I don't want. I don't seem to be able to make the next level pop out when the mouse rolls over the heading and I am having trouble finding the best place in the theme to put the code.

    Many thanks for any help or pointers you can give me....

    P.S. The other problem... well that's a different topic so I will pop it in another post if you fancy giving me two for the price of one

    You need to introduce some scripting into the equation. The easy option is to visit Normans site and buy one of his plug-ins designed specifically for Actinic.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

