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Corrupted Order Download

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    Corrupted Order Download

    A customer of ours earlier today placed an order and when I downloaded I received the following error message:

    No order was found in Actinic for the credit card payment authorization with order number 'JT14LD10001717'.

    There are three ways this could happen:

    1. The order was placed and authorized after the download of authorizations was started.
    2. The order file was lost from the web site.
    3. The order has been deleted and purged from the database

    In case 1, restarting order downloads will pick up the new order (press 'No' below).

    In cases 2 and 3, you will have to contact the customer to notify them that the order was lost, and credit their credit card with the appropriate amount.
    It is recommended that you note the missing order number and the other details listed below (use copy and paste to preserve the information in a text editor). If you want to continue downloading credit card payment
    Order Number: JT14LD10001717
    Status: Received
    Amount: £39.85
    Created: 2008/12/04 15:12
    Actioned: 2008/12/04 17:04
    CC Auth Code: 030411
    Transaction: 0
    Currency: GBP
    PSP Provider Ref: b1a0dd07-16c2-dd11-9e33-00137253cf79
    Customer Ref:
    PSP Provider Response: success

    We do not have an order of that number on the system.
    I have tried compacting the database and refreshing the website.
    How can I stop this error message appearing every time we download order now?

    regards, Robert.
    Robert Johnston

    Press yes - this will delete the order and allow you to continue


      It might be worth ftp'ing any sessions files on your server to a directory on your PC. They can be read as a text file and you might find one of them corresponds to the payment file you have.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Originally posted by RuralWeb View Post
        Press yes - this will delete the order and allow you to continue

        We have tried the yes option to no avail, but thank you for the info.

        Robert Johnston


          I had one the other day and option 2 rings a bell


            Originally posted by olderscot View Post
            It might be worth ftp'ing any sessions files on your server to a directory on your PC. They can be read as a text file and you might find one of them corresponds to the payment file you have.

            Hi Mike,

            Where would I find the session files on the server?

            Our site is hosted with Actinic, should I get them to look?

            Regards, Robert
            Robert Johnston


              Hi Robert,

              they're in the acatalog folder and all have a .session suffix. If you can ftp into your server it's worth looking but I suspect it might be too late as they're deleted after the cart timeout (often set to 2 hours).

              Actinic can probably help you if you're unable to do this. (if there's anyone still there).


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                Actinic support to the rescue!

                A big thank you to Actinic support.

                Having tried several ideas Paul at Actinic identified the cause and fixed our downloading woes, all before lunchtime.

                Great service, just in time for the busiest weekend of the year.....

                Regards, Robert
                Robert Johnston


                  The same thing happened to us yesterday.

                  We lost one order becuase of it.



                    It would be good if Robert or Actinic Support would post what the problem was and how it was fixed. It could help others with the same problem.


                    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




                      It looks like it was Dean who dealt with this rather than Paul but all he did was ftp to the server and rename the .occ file to .occx so that it is ignored by the download. The file could also have been deleted to stop the message appearing when downloading.


                        Originally posted by olderscot View Post
                        It would be good if Robert or Actinic Support would post what the problem was and how it was fixed. It could help others with the same problem.

                        Hi Mike,

                        I honestly couldn't find the cause on my own, so I called Actinic. I found a way of deleting session files from within Actinic, but this did not work so it appears that renaming the file did the job. It became quite serious for a while as were losing psp call backs.

                        I have another more serious issue with Actinic payments at the moment which I hope support can address.

                        Regards, Robert
                        Robert Johnston

