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    Originally posted by george View Post
    In all my time in pc work I think the only other software to have the same problem sometimes is Nero Express.
    I've only had Outlook do this on me on a regular basis. XP Pro, SP3.

    'The joys of computing'
    Location: North Yorkshire UK


      Dissapearing programmes

      I have had it happen very intermittently, with various programmes in XP and Vista, I may be wrong, but I think it's a "feature" of windows.
      The joys of computing indeed.
      Steve Griggs.

      "People in business often miss opportunities, mainly because they usually arrive dressed in overalls and looking like work."


        Thanks for raising this, it transpires that a few people at Actinic have experienced this as well, but have just lived with it. It would be good if we can get to the bottom of it, but I suspect the problem will be reproducing it consistently...

        It's happened to me occasionally, in my case it seems to be when Actinic is waiting for input, so that would be one thing to look out for.

        I did some googling and the same or similar problems seem to affect other programs as well. Conflict with other applications looks a likely culprit, and Google Desktop Search was specifically mentioned - do you guys use it?

        A couple of other things to look out for:

        Have you at any time used multiple monitors with the desktop extended across both, and disabled or disconnected one of them? That can cause windows to apparently disappear.

        Is it the actual window that's missing, or just the Taskbar icon? The only way to be sure is to minimise every other open application individually (not using 'Show desktop') and see if there's anything left.
        Bruce Townsend
        Ecommerce Product Manager
        Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


          Originally posted by brucet
          Thanks for raising this, it transpires that a few people at Actinic have experienced this as well, but have just lived with it. It would be good if we can get to the bottom of it, but I suspect the problem will be reproducing it consistently...
          I can reproduce it almost at will. I just need to 'do' something while Actinic is loading (start replying to an email, for example )

          Originally posted by brucet
          I did some googling and the same or similar problems seem to affect other programs as well. Conflict with other applications looks a likely culprit, and Google Desktop Search was specifically mentioned - do you guys use it?
          Nope, not using Google Desktop (even though it keeps asking me!)
          Usually the only things open at the time are Outlook Express, Firefox and Mole End's Stock Control Mole

          A couple of other things to look out for:

          Originally posted by brucet
          Have you at any time used multiple monitors with the desktop extended across both, and disabled or disconnected one of them? That can cause windows to apparently disappear.
          I don't use this at all

          Originally posted by brucet
          Is it the actual window that's missing, or just the Taskbar icon? The only way to be sure is to minimise every other open application individually (not using 'Show desktop') and see if there's anything left.
          Not really looked to see if the window is actually there, I can't remember anyway. It's the taskbar that is obvious.


            For me the Actinic window is always there, but hidden behind other stuff. It's just the Taskbar tab that occasionally disappears (and shows the wrong Actinic version when switching sites).

            Minimising the other windows shows that Actinic is still there, and when the Actinic window is visible the taskbar tab then re-appears.


            PS. No Google Desktop Search.

            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              I've seen the same or similar to Mike.

              The Actinic program window always opens but sits behind the others and is only shown on the taskbar when it gets focus.

              It also usually happens when I'm busy with email or browsing or in some other program.


                Same here the program is always open, it just has no tab on the taskbar, so you need to alt-tab or try to start the software again only to be told it is already open. No other software i use does this, i do not have google desktop but i do have multi-screen.


                  Originally posted by brucet View Post
                  I did some googling and the same or similar problems seem to affect other programs as well. Conflict with other applications looks a likely culprit, and Google Desktop Search was specifically mentioned - do you guys use it?
                  Regarding the Google Desktop Search. I have used it for a long time without any problems. Last week when I was endeavouring to install CS4 Web Premium on my desktop, but was unable to do so, I was asked by Adobe support to un-install Desktop Search and see if this did the trick. Unfortunately, it didn't, but does show that there are problems stemming from it.
                  Location: North Yorkshire UK


                    Originally posted by olderscot View Post
                    For me the Actinic window is always there, but hidden behind other stuff. It's just the Taskbar tab that occasionally disappears (and shows the wrong Actinic version when switching sites).

                    Minimising the other windows shows that Actinic is still there, and when the Actinic window is visible the taskbar tab then re-appears.


                    PS. No Google Desktop Search.
                    Same for me, I also find it tends to happen whenever I start Actinic and then get on with something else while Actinic is starting up.


                    SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
                    SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
                    Custom Packages


                      Onw of the things I've noticed is that if I do other things while switching sites (and actinic is busy doing backups, etc) then a second taskbar tab opens up briefly (with the correct version for the site I'm moving to) but once the new site is loaded the wrong tab disappears. i.e. moving from a 'catalog' site to a 'Business' site will briefly show both taskbar tabs and then the 'business' tab will close leaving the wrong ('catalog') tab for the now current 'business' site.


                      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                        Yep i get that also, you are working on one site but the tab is telling you its another. Ive had a few heart stopping moments on uploads because of it.

