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Rest of World tax issues

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    Rest of World tax issues

    Hi, Hope someone can help, after the recent VAT change I am trying to update the way we handle Tax on our site, we are using Business IDWA.

    We make sales Worldwide and our problem is with the Rest Of The World (ROW) Tax treatment, if we set the tax settings to Tax by Delivery Address and use this to exempt a ROW situation where let’s say the customer is ordering from the UK but for delivery by post to the USA, the USA delivery address will be exempt and we would show T2 exempt transactions which get passed over to Sage Line 50 version 14.01.

    The discussion in the office is that ECC nationals should pay tax on goods they buy in the UK or ECC even if they ship them to ROW ( as they are not a company) any idea which is correct or reference to how we can find out.

    If it is the later the only other option apart from charge VAT on everything is Tax By Invoice Address in this situation using the same example a person in the USA ( outside the scope or knowledge of VAT ) would be charged VAT on goods they purchase for say a friend in the UK. They of course say they should not pay VAT which seems reasonable.

    I have spent a long time looking at threads on the site and also the Inland Revenue site but can’t come up with an answer and even our account is unsure as how to handle it with the options in Actinic Business.

    I am sure I must have missed something but after a dozen hours on VAT I am desperate for some help.


    I'm not a tax expert I'm afraid but I've taken a look at the Inland Revenue's website (got a headache now ), and I found:
    "VAT on exports of goods to non-EU countries
    VAT is a tax charged on goods used in the EU, so if goods are exported outside the EU, VAT isn't charged."


    "Exports by retailers
    You can zero-rate sales of goods for export to private customers if you meet the conditions for commercial exports, or the conditions of a retail export scheme."

    Which I assume means that even if they buy from the UK but want delivery to a non-EU country. However, it's not really that clear. I would suggest that to be certain you should use the 'Contact Us' link at the top of the above page and ask them to clarify the situation.

    One thing that may sway whether you use 'Tax by delivery address' or 'Tax by invoice address' is if you use either HSBC or Paypal Pro/Express. These two PSPs require the 'tax by invoice address' selection so that country codes are passed across for invoice and delivery addresses.


      Tracey's first part is correct. If you export the goods outside the EU then you don't charge VAT. It makes no difference where they're paid from, it's all about the movement of goods, not money.

      Your accountant should know this.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


