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Order Shipped Email - Product Name Truncated

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    Order Shipped Email - Product Name Truncated


    I am using Actinic Catalog V 8.5.3 IDHB and having a few issues with the Order Shipped emails which hopefully someone may be able to help with.

    Basically, Actinic is shortening the Product Name in the Order Shipped email for no aparent reason. It only seems to be occurring with the Order Shipped email and not the Order Acknowledgement email generated online. Which leads me to believe it is one of the local scripts and not the online scripts that has the problem. See below for example:

    Order Acknowledgement Email extract (which has correct product name):

    Shopping Cart (Prices in British Pounds)
    Kiefer Short Blade Training 2 £17.00 £34.00
    Size - ~ : UK 12-1 2

    (end of Order Acknowledgement extract)

    Order Shipped Email extract (product name shortened somehow with a '-'?)

    __Lines Ordered_________________________________________________


    Kiefer Short Blade Training -
    Size - ~ : UK 12-1 2 £17.00 £34.00
    No. Shipped

    (end of Order Shipped extract)

    Does anyone know why this happens and is there a way of fixing this problem (perhaps somehow increasing the number of characters allowed in the email via a script?) The product name in this case is really not that long so I cannot believe people have not seen the issue before. Its really bugging me.

    Many thanks in advance.


    Have you got characters appearing next, where it's cutting off?
    If so, try removing these and see If it fixes it.
    There is a fix on the forum for this problem but I was under the impression it was fixed it 852/3


      Hi Tracey,

      Thanks for your reply to my question. It just gets truncated from:
      Kiefer Short Blade Training Fins (which is the full correct name)


      Kiefer Short Blade Training - (somehow the software / script is putting in the hyphen at the end and then just cutting of the other characters)

      I've done a bit of testing and I'm convinced there must be a limit set by one of the scripts that automatically does this to shorten the name. It's quite poor really, I'm not impressed as it's not consistent with the Order Acknowledgement email which does not seem to have this problem.

      Any help is much appreciated.



        it's certainly not an issue I've had with 853 and I have long product names!
        It does split the product names over several lines (each ending with a - which looks a bit odd) but, even when sometimes it's over 3 lines, it's all still there


        NEW Ex-George Maternity - 1 £10.00 £10.00
        /Nursing Vest Top TWIN PACK -
        No. Shipped 1

        Emma Jane Nursing Vest Top - 1 £16.50 £16.50
        Pink 14/16
        No. Shipped 1
        This is an extract from an order shipped email (in 853) which has long product names in it.
        It doesn't quite layout, in this forum, like it should but you can see the line breaks.

        I'm not sure what to suggest. Maybe you could try replacing the mailscript with the original (from the Program Files Actinic folder) to see if this fixes it?


          Hi Tracey,

          Thanks for taking the time to help me with this. I've delved a little bit deeper, your reply gave me an idea. I didn't mention that I use Components & Attributes quite a lot (and in this example) as I need a Choice (e.g a Size) to affect the product price and as far as I know the only way to do this is using Components (?). I tried adding a long name product with just a Choice (like you have in your example) and not a Component as well and the problem does not occur - I can see the full product name spread over two lines in the Order Shipped Email. So I think it only gets truncated when you have a long name product with a Component. Could you just see if you can replicate the problem by adding a Component to a long name product you have and see if it truncates it for you as well?

          Thanks for helping!



            Good point Greg
            I never have a product, component etc showing in the cart/emails etc because everything is stock controlled and displaying hidden associated products. I do have another site that does use your method, however, and will take a look at the order shipped email (which we don't really use on that site) when I get a minute later.


              Right, Greg

              Had a look at this in other site in 853

              Picked an order containing product(s) with component>attribute>choices NOT linked to associated products.

              Below is pasted from Order Shipped email.


              CB1000R 2008 Hugger < Jesters
              huggerchoice - Hugger - 1 £76.60 £76.60
              Colour: Carbon, Chainguard-
              Colour: Black
              No. Shipped 1
              Again, it doesn't lay out correctly in the paste but it does display in full.
              "huggerchoice" being the component, "Hugger" and "Chainguard" being attributes and the "Colour"s being choices
              All present and correct.
              I can only suggest again that maybe your script needs restoring from the original.
              Beyond that, I don't know what to suggest.


                Hi again Tracey,

                Thanks for your time, I tried your product name "CB1000R 2008 etc" in my cart as a test with components and it was not truncated - however, I did a bit of testing and any product over 30 characters that uses components gets truncated. I bet if you added another few characters onto the product name you tested it would truncate as well. I think this is just a limitation of the software - however I reckon there might be a way of editing a script somewhere that would increase the limit. Do you happen to know exactly how the Order Shipper Email is generated? Is it one of the scripts I wonder?

                Thanks again for your help!



                  Do you happen to know exactly how the Order Shipper Email is generated? Is it one of the scripts I wonder?
                  The emails sent via the desktop are actually generated via the application so can't be changed I'm afraid. I can only add your request to the wishlist I'm afraid.

