I have a suggestion fo the guys at Actinic;
As there are some really amazingly helpful people on this board who not only help people like me out ALL the time for no reward adding greatly to the usability and smooth running of our sites, why not reward them?
They do a great service for you Actinic guys, without them things would be a lot harder. With them we get 24 hour support as well
so, i suggest a reward system based on how many posts people make, so that the most helpful people are rewarded for their efforts and the value that they add indirecly to your company
how about;
500 posts - get a free years hosting
1000 posts - get a free copy of something
5000 posts - get several free copies of something
and so on, create an incentive to help even more!
that way you (actinic people) will increase the amount of help dished out and take a load off your support people and add more value to your product
Heres 3 very large cheers to all the good folk on this board who have helped me out many times over the years
Bless you all
come on actinic, give these people a reward they deserve!!
Happy Christams to you all
As there are some really amazingly helpful people on this board who not only help people like me out ALL the time for no reward adding greatly to the usability and smooth running of our sites, why not reward them?
They do a great service for you Actinic guys, without them things would be a lot harder. With them we get 24 hour support as well
so, i suggest a reward system based on how many posts people make, so that the most helpful people are rewarded for their efforts and the value that they add indirecly to your company
how about;
500 posts - get a free years hosting
1000 posts - get a free copy of something

5000 posts - get several free copies of something
and so on, create an incentive to help even more!
that way you (actinic people) will increase the amount of help dished out and take a load off your support people and add more value to your product
Heres 3 very large cheers to all the good folk on this board who have helped me out many times over the years
Bless you all
come on actinic, give these people a reward they deserve!!
Happy Christams to you all
