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Preventing images re-uploading every time the site is updated

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    Preventing images re-uploading every time the site is updated

    Our site has over 9,000 images. Every time I want to publish changes to the web using "Publish to Web" - no matter how small - Actinic v9 will re-upload ALL the image files, and 9 times out of 10 all the pop_xxx.html extended info pages (over 3,000 of them). This takes over an hour, and is obviously very frustrating when the changes are just minor scripting ones. I have uploaded the same few hundred MB of images 30 or 40 times, and they have never been changed once. Surely this isn't right.

    Can anyone suggest what may be going wrong?


    Hmm that's an odd one, you are updating not refreshing. I'd have asked if you have some dynamic content, but that wouldn't initiate all the images to be uploaded also. Sounds like dates or times are out of sync. Can you check server time vs PC time, maybe there's something happening there. I take it all uploads are occurring from the same PC in the same place?

    Definitely sounds an odd one anyway, not one i've heard before.


      Yes, all uploads are from the same PC in the same location. The server time is the same timezone as the PC time. I think it may be something to do with uploading to linked folders on the FTP server.

      It would be interesting to hear if anyone else has had this problem.


        Hi there,

        These sorts out issues could be down to the permission, so I would check to see if the /acatalog/ folder has a permission of 777 first. Once you have done that, try again. If the same thing happens, then it possible an issue with the [FileList] table within the "ActinicCatalog.mdb", so if you have Access 2000 (If you have a higher version, don't save it as that higher version, simply save it as 2000), go into the [FileList] table, and delete the content. What will happen, is that when you do a web refresh, Actinic will reupload again, but it will populate the [FileList] table again, with the correct checksum, file last uploaded, etc, so after you make a small change, you shouldn't have this problem.

        If you do, then it looking to be something on the hosting sides I would imagine

        Hope this helps you

        Kind Regards

