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Random argument - speeding up taking a snapshot

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    Random argument - speeding up taking a snapshot

    Does increasing the pc's ram speed up the amount of time it takes to generate a snapshot?

    Anything else that can be done?

    (apart from compacting, purging regularly etc)
    Football Heaven

    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.

    remove all your products helps too


      not using unnecessarily complex code (or EntireSectionList LOL, we know that, eh, G? ) can make a difference too, IME


        Originally posted by Darren B View Post
        remove all your products helps too
        Why didnt I think of that?

        Off to delete all products to see if it helps.

        Football Heaven

        For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


          Sorry G its friday i could not help it


            We have two systems in the office.

            One has Actinic on it.

            The other is used occasionally if/when we want to do a layout change or something a bit drastic (in terms of v9, just about anythin' really) and want to test it before we roll it out on the main site.

            They both have the same motherboard and memory (2gb of Crucial ram) but different processors. One processor is OEM and one is Retail, the Retail version obviously being the faster of the two (1mb cache v 2mb cache) - apparently identical speeds (3.16ghz - though we all know what that means in terms of OEM, cut down version with the same label as the Retail version).

            So in our case the system with the bigger cache both generates files for the upload, creates snapshots and changes in the design tab are slightly faster - noticeable enough, anyway. Suppose it makes sense, really.

