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Importing products and image paths

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    Importing products and image paths


    We are importing about 1000 products we have in a database and have set up a simple test template.

    We can not get the import wizard to accept an absolute url.

    We ant to give it path like this:

    But is only allows:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Cupron\ACT\Copalife_web2.jpg

    Is there anything we can do?

    kind regards

    Both paths above are the wrong way to go about this.

    Actinic builds the website from files on your backoffice PC. Product and Section images should be on that PC, not on some remote server.

    Also it is a very good idea to keep such images in a sub-folder of your Actinic Site folder (say Site1\Images).

    That way when you make Snapshots, all files that make up the site would be included using just their relative names from the site folder (e.g. Images\myfile.jpg) instead of some monster absolute path that will only work on one specific PC.

    If you kept them in that big C:\.....\Cupron\..... path you mention above things will appear to work but it will be very difficult to transfer a Snapshot to another computer unless it's also set-up with the identical user name and disk structure.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

