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Actinic Just close when uploading on 9.0.3?

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    Actinic Just close when uploading on 9.0.3?

    Just wonder if anybody have the same problem ? I have been through long lists of threads and give up really..

    When I upload with publish to website button : actinic just close right in the middle of it..

    Wen I refresh...same happening..
    When I publish a current page, it works, it goes right through it..but product is missing on the server..

    I tried compacting database, still hapening..

    Is it because I have more than 9000 products on this site ?

    Any guidance and help appreciated.

    I have Krithika looking into the snapshot at the moment, but just wondered if anybody has the solution out there and if it is just to me that this is happening ? I am stuck really, incapable of updating..


    Do you have any backup software running at the the same time by any chance? If so, pause it until the upload has completed.
    Also, close all other running programmes one by one so you can work out what's interfering with the upload by process of elimination.
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      Recently we were creating a new site with the new 9.03 but got the same problem as you. When we tried to upload the site it would just hang then come up with "an error has occured"

      As we only had done a little work we reverted back to 9.03 beta 2 and all works fine again.

      I thought that it must have been something that we had done but it sounds like another bug. In our case it occured just after we triedto upload but the upload failed due to a variable that we has searchable but could not be uploaded as some of the products had the varibale set to 0
      David Mawson
      Phoenix Trading - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


        The usual fix for this, is to change the script id number under network settings, restart actinic and then refresh you site


          Thanks for you help..

          I have no back up software running in the background, I even suspected my Antivirus software and tried turning that off..

          I tried to change the CGI Script as suggested Darren(thanks), and I get a message saying that Actinic can't run CGI scripts..why can it at the moment while I am still downloading orders..and any test in nework settings is successful ?

          I checked again all my variables and everything looks fine..

          Any more ideas?


            I have had the same problems a few times before. Deleting the contents of the SiteHTML folder and re-uploading works for me. It will force actinic to regenerate all of your website's .html/css files (which sometimes get corrupt causing the upload dialog to just disppear).


              Hey Phil, this sounds like some selectors are removed from the database, I remember there was an issue regarding this, and poss a bug. I would get it touch with Support on this, you prob find you need to run an sql query to put back in the selectors.

              Kind Regards


                I seem to run out of options..

                Ok ..

                - Actininc support just tipped me to make a hierarchical export of the catalog, then to re-import it using the "replace" method..dit that, exported fine, but had an error at the import saying " unexpected error occured" and then twice I had to click OK on a error flagging " Out of Memory!"..have I reached the maximum capability of the actinic database with my 9500 products (or some 14K pages )?

                I tried to remove all the HTML files in the preview folder without success..still failing to upload and actininc just closing on me..and changing the script ID did not prove successful either..

                I played also with the marketing features by turning them on (I had them out) and it did refresh once, but I tried to remove them and went back to square one with the same problem. Could this be a bug in the "generating process" of the marketing tabs ?

                But I have one question here..

                I have set some custom variables on sections and products to define and organise my products by categories, and have made these variables to be "searchable" but have not yet set the custom variable inside the Search properties(too busy to sort this problem out really, and to run a business)..could this cause problem?

                Basically, I assigned each variable to be a specification of the product (like one for the size, one for the guage, one for the material, one for what it is for, etc..) in the general tab, so I can select from top level sections down, and with block ifs in the layout to show my message (small descriptive blurb inserted in the layout) when the value true apply for each set of product. Have i gone wrong here ?

                Does Actininc handles that on such a big database of product? I mean, could my problem be that ?

                Any help appreciated, as I really need to be able to update this website and finish my work on it..all I can do at the moment is download orders ?


