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Website down - AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Originally posted by Barry View Post
    I dont get it Mal, according to webfusion we are using about 94% of our allocated bandwidth, if it goes over we get charged by the Mb, we are not over that limit yet.

    When i set up the account with webfusion a few weeks ago i explained to them the Uniques we get, the page hits and the transfer we use, they recommended that package

    To be honest they will sell you the package they think suits you, but if you end up on a server that is running at full capacity then you will have problems, if you brought this package and ended up on a new server they have just setup with only a few accounts then it would probably be fine, But as i said previously, if your at that level then you really need to be on a dedicated.

    I recently transfered my clients to a new server, its the only way i can ensure performance, i had a few horrible server issues due to a site with corrupt scripts, it was consuming resources like there was no tomorrow, it resulted in the site triggering a fail safe and suspending it, needless to say it caused problems for my client, now the old server is long gone and unfortunately so is the client however things do go wrong regardless of hosting company.

    You have been given sound advice and i would recommend you follow it - get the site sorted and then find a dedicated server.


      Your right Darren, I will indeed be looking at a dedicated server after the Christmas period is over, it is the sensible thing to do

      But for now that i have lots of problems with the site itself that would be transfered over to wherever it was hosted, im desperate to get these problems ironed out and you guys are my only hope really as Actinic support routinely drop my support tickets

      i have a theory abou this, perhaps its because of somethig like a 24 hour limit on replies with support tickets, if you dont reply within a set time period, your ticket is deleted and you cannot email the person who was helping you on the same ticket. This is all i can think of as to why it keeps happeining, surely they would not delete the ticket bvecause its a difficult problem

      for now though our visitors are getting the "The order details received do not match the cart content details." when they get to HSBC, this has happened several times over the past week but has resolved itself after a while

      do you think we need to delete the 44,000 session files?


        Session files are visits to your site, deleting them will not harm your site, customer will probably have empty shopping baskets if they come back for a second visit. But a purge and refresh would be your best optionat this moment in time


          Yippeee the problem is fixed! for now at least it is. It was all to do with session files and the way that our site was handling them, a bit of a mess it was to be honest.

          the details are here for those having similar problems with Hsbc and paypal

          It was also our solution to the hsbc problem discussed here

          i hope these threads can help others in the future with similar problems, hopefully they are all linked up well now with good searchable keywords and in a small way add even more to the fantastic resourse that this forum is

          This forum has been our lifeline, to simply be able to discuss our tech problems with people who know what you are on about is absolutely invaluable, I thank you all sincerly

          Thanks guys


