I appreciate that this has been raised before, but I just wanted to look at this from a different angle.]
My understanding is that <ACTINIC:tagname> tags are required for when a page calls upon a Perl script, such as adding something to the cart, for example.
As we all know, Actinic tags go not validate against W3 standards.
I just took the source code of a page, edited the HTML and commented out the Actinic tags using the standard HTML comments <!-- and -->. The page still works fine. I assume that Perl takes the referring page, parses that page for Actinic tags, regardless of whether they are in quotes, and actions what it need to.
If this is correct, does anyone know how to get the Actinic software to generate these tags in HTML comments???
I have tried the obvious, by just putting the the HTML comments around the tags in Actinic, but when the page is generated the comments and tag are not generated. I thought I would then be clever and wraps the tags with <?php echo "<!--"; ?> and <?php echo "-->", but again the comments/tag are not generated (although I do not understand why in this case).
Any help greatly appreciated, as the only thing preventing our pages from validating as XHTML Transitional, is this very issue!
My understanding is that <ACTINIC:tagname> tags are required for when a page calls upon a Perl script, such as adding something to the cart, for example.
As we all know, Actinic tags go not validate against W3 standards.
I just took the source code of a page, edited the HTML and commented out the Actinic tags using the standard HTML comments <!-- and -->. The page still works fine. I assume that Perl takes the referring page, parses that page for Actinic tags, regardless of whether they are in quotes, and actions what it need to.
If this is correct, does anyone know how to get the Actinic software to generate these tags in HTML comments???
I have tried the obvious, by just putting the the HTML comments around the tags in Actinic, but when the page is generated the comments and tag are not generated. I thought I would then be clever and wraps the tags with <?php echo "<!--"; ?> and <?php echo "-->", but again the comments/tag are not generated (although I do not understand why in this case).
Any help greatly appreciated, as the only thing preventing our pages from validating as XHTML Transitional, is this very issue!
