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Insert Layout kills Actinic

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    Insert Layout kills Actinic


    Under design tab clicking on the "Insert Layout" pink swirl from the tool bar causes Actinic to crash out with a DMP file. The same happens when in the library.

    Databases compacted. Databases fixed under Access. All layouts have values. v9.0.3 re-installed.

    Any suggestions or pointers welcomed.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

    Perhaps it's a reg key - did you clean the registry before reinstalling?


      No - will give it a whirl though. Thanks for the suggestion Duncan.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        No joy. I even installed v9.0.3 onto Mrs Jont's laptop and the same issue happens. It does not occur in all the sites so it must be something with the specific database.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          You broke it Jont, plain and simple


            Originally posted by jont
            Any suggestions or pointers welcomed.
            Last time that happened to me, it was caused by a faulty layout or selector in the navigation icon group which had been upgraded to contain a google analytics layout. Try resetting them and the selectors.


              I had previously commented out the navigation links as a test (read about a similar issue with navigation previously) and it killed... just reset all back to factory as per Jonathans suggestion and it also suffers when trying to insert a layout.

              Bizarrely I have exported a full design snapshot and dropped it over a default site and the ability to insert is fine

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Send me a snapshot and Ill see if it happens on my PC


                  Mal cheers for the offer - Kiran at Actinic is back on the case today - hopefully with a resolution.

                  I have installed onto another machine this morning (completely different network at another location) and it is still corrupting so is not the machine.

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                    Hey Jont, seems I'm now suffering from this one, though from all the recent changes to our database I haven't a clue what could of caused it. Did Support ever get back to you with a universal fix or is this a case-by-case issue, if the former would you mind letting me know the fix please?

                    Today was making out for a good day, too



                      No - they could not replicate!

                      Not that you want to hear but I ended up rolling back to a known working ACD and importing the layouts a few steps at a time to rebuild. Cost me 2 weeks in time

                      If I had to bet my last £1.00 it would go onto a corrupted layout and/or (each way bet) a layout with nothing declared.

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                        Originally posted by jont View Post
                        No - they could not replicate!

                        Not that you want to hear but I ended up rolling back to a known working ACD and importing the layouts a few steps at a time to rebuild. Cost me 2 weeks in time

                        If I had to bet my last £1.00 it would go onto a corrupted layout and/or (each way bet) a layout with nothing declared.
                        Thanks in a roundabout kinda way - I suspect this was caused by a design snapshot? Wouldn't surprise me. Looks like I'll have to go through all the selectors again and make sure everything is as expected - I did ask support to do this (as a Cover customer) as I keep having issues with the site all caused by missing/corrupt selectors/layouts - but never got a reply, also as expected

                        The job for today is to take the original design snapshot onto a new machine, fix all the known selectors which I know have been broken - then do a heirarchical import of the current site, then play around with C+P through Windows Explorer. What's the bet it won't make things any better?


                          The original was set via a design import of a vanilla stripped back layout. All worked fine for a while then ceased. Recalling further it was after editing the horizontal nav layout when the issues sorted, resetting had no effect.

                          Exporting the design over the original ACD worked fine for a while then stopped again. There were also intermittent issues with the MOTO form showing upon opening Actinic and then disappearing.

                          This has happened on 3 different, unrelated sites. From costly experience I would forget the design export and use the export specific design elements route and then set your layouts in the new site to use these. I now always code changes into the default layouts for products, sections etc as this saves time when exporting back in and having to reset layout selectors.

                          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                            Originally posted by jont View Post
                            The original was set via a design import of a vanilla stripped back layout. All worked fine for a while then ceased. Recalling further it was after editing the horizontal nav layout when the issues sorted, resetting had no effect.
                            I've had one corrupted layout - editing the layout then clicking Apply fixed it, right-click > Reset to Default did nothing.
                            Originally posted by jont View Post
                            There were also intermittent issues with the MOTO form showing upon opening Actinic and then disappearing.
                            I also get this when using a design snapshot.
                            Originally posted by jont View Post
                            This has happened on 3 different, unrelated sites. From costly experience I would forget the design export and use the export specific design elements route and then set your layouts in the new site to use these. I now always code changes into the default layouts for products, sections etc as this saves time when exporting back in and having to reset layout selectors.
                            Thanks for the advice jont, thankfully I can now learn from the experience and won't be using this feature again until it works properly (har har), it's an interesting point about using 'export specific design elements' instead of a full design snapshot - I may well give that a try and see what comes out of it.



                              This area is getting worse. I have a client who is having images nuked off his server for no reason and every snapshot he does comes up as 0 bytes despite a successful message and over 50 snapshots having been done my end successfully before being handed over.

                              This snapshot mallarky need to be stopped and finally fixed, this is getting to be a joke now, why oh why did you mess, just roll back to as V8 was for crying out loud, as least we all knew where we were.

                              As my good friend Jim Royle would say 'progress? arse'

