In our catalog we have got around 18,000 products. Around 90% of these products are imported into actinic from a CSV file supplied from our supplier. The CSV file is manipulated in excel to get it into the correct format for importing into Actinic as a flat file import. We receive a new CSV file four times a year with the current stock profile that we can offer for sale.
If I simply manipulate this new CSV file to the correct format and import into actinic I create a problem, if an item is discontinued, and so it is subsequently is not listed in the new CSV file, when I do an import I am left with the discontinued items still in catalog and I have got no way of finding which products they are to delete them manually.
If when importing the items I select replace instead of update I lose the 1800 or so products that are not in this particular supplier’s inventory, and also possibly run the risk of re-naming the page html files as noted below.
If I simply delete all of the catalogue products and sections from this supplier; when I do a file import all of the page html file names have changed because of the way actinic numbers them rather than just using the section text. This causes problems with people arriving from search results pages in google etc… and we do lose a lot of sales which take months to build back up again, I have made this mistake before!
Is there a simple way to delete all products in a catalog, but leave the sections intact, and then run the import routine to re-populate the empty sections with the new products? At least this way all I would need to do is look for empty sections in the catalog and hide them on the website.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Sorry if this explanation is too long winded, I am still not sure if I have explained my self correctly
Richard Aspinall
In our catalog we have got around 18,000 products. Around 90% of these products are imported into actinic from a CSV file supplied from our supplier. The CSV file is manipulated in excel to get it into the correct format for importing into Actinic as a flat file import. We receive a new CSV file four times a year with the current stock profile that we can offer for sale.
If I simply manipulate this new CSV file to the correct format and import into actinic I create a problem, if an item is discontinued, and so it is subsequently is not listed in the new CSV file, when I do an import I am left with the discontinued items still in catalog and I have got no way of finding which products they are to delete them manually.
If when importing the items I select replace instead of update I lose the 1800 or so products that are not in this particular supplier’s inventory, and also possibly run the risk of re-naming the page html files as noted below.
If I simply delete all of the catalogue products and sections from this supplier; when I do a file import all of the page html file names have changed because of the way actinic numbers them rather than just using the section text. This causes problems with people arriving from search results pages in google etc… and we do lose a lot of sales which take months to build back up again, I have made this mistake before!
Is there a simple way to delete all products in a catalog, but leave the sections intact, and then run the import routine to re-populate the empty sections with the new products? At least this way all I would need to do is look for empty sections in the catalog and hide them on the website.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Sorry if this explanation is too long winded, I am still not sure if I have explained my self correctly
Richard Aspinall