The Contact Us form has suddenly failed to load on our site at and gives the following error:
Internal Server Error
Could not execute script "/websites/LinuxPackage02/mo/re/th/"
Needless to say, we have made no changes to the script nor to any of the scripts that are required by this script, nor changed any permissions on the server nor made any network changes, nor made any changes to mail_form.html. The site is hosted by Webfusion who 'appear' to offer no access to error logs so that one might see exactly where the script is failing. We have asked for the logs but received no response in over 4 hours
We have restored the site in test mode with backups going back more than 6 months when we know categorically that all was working perfectly but the form still fails to load. Everything else on the site works fine.
The ISP says it is a script error but unhelpfully will not give any more details.
Has anyone had this problem before and can anyone help please?
Many thanks
Mike de Malpas
Internal Server Error
Could not execute script "/websites/LinuxPackage02/mo/re/th/"
Needless to say, we have made no changes to the script nor to any of the scripts that are required by this script, nor changed any permissions on the server nor made any network changes, nor made any changes to mail_form.html. The site is hosted by Webfusion who 'appear' to offer no access to error logs so that one might see exactly where the script is failing. We have asked for the logs but received no response in over 4 hours
We have restored the site in test mode with backups going back more than 6 months when we know categorically that all was working perfectly but the form still fails to load. Everything else on the site works fine.
The ISP says it is a script error but unhelpfully will not give any more details.
Has anyone had this problem before and can anyone help please?
Many thanks
Mike de Malpas