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Global changes to Attribute choices

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    Global changes to Attribute choices

    Hi to anyone reading this,

    I am about to embark on the leap from V7 to V9 OR may yet decide to go a bespoke route depending on the V9 Advanced user guide I'm working my way through to see what lovelies there are to savour within V9 and whether some of my wish list is now a reality.

    One thing that has always been a real burden to me is having to manually change every identical choice of every identical attribute throughout my product line.

    So, an example is my site has 300 products. Each one has a set of identical components, attributes and choices associated.

    Lets say that one of my choices in one of my attributes says 'Distance' and I want to change that to 'Distance/Everything'- I currently (Unless I've missed something major for the last 4 years, a downfall of self teaching) have to go through all 300 products and change each one of those choices.

    Below is an example of one of my prod pages with all the extras that can be selected to make up the final product. This should give a better idea of what I'm getting at.

    My question therefore is, does V9 give the ability to globally change a choice IF that choice is identical in ALL products. Failing that, does anybody know of a plug in that will help me achieve this? This really would save me heaps and heaps of time. Thanks in advance for any advice, Ian

    V9 will not give you that global changing opportunity.

    How about creating one 'master' list on a product and associating the choices inside to hidden products (create one hidden product per choice), therefore when you copy those choices, they are each linked back to one master product (hidden) and you therefore just change one product (the hidden one) to update all lists.

    It might work, sounds feasible to me.


      Hi Lee, I think I get what you're suggesting . Once I'm certain that I do, I'll give it a go and see what happens. Thanks a lot, Ian

