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Using Actinic Link and QuickBooks

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    Using Actinic Link and QuickBooks

    I have several Actinic products that I am trying to cross reference in Actininc Link to the same QuickBooks item.
    Actinic Link will not allow me to save the cross refenerence entries as it tells me the follow:-

    This value: 'Other Sales:SIM cards' is found more than once in the 'QuickBooks Reference' column, in the Translation table.

    Does anybody know a solution to this problem? I need to be able to cross reference multiple Actinic products to one QuickBooks item to keep QB as simple as possible!

    Hope somebody can share some knowledge and provide me with a solution.


    This is not a supported feature of the Link software, however, you could try the following:

    - close your Link profile making sure that all other areas of it are set up as you want
    - browse to 'C:\Program Files\Actinic Link\QuickBooks UK'
    - locate the 'Export.mdb' file (take a backup)
    - open the file with MS Access
    - double-click on the 'ProductTranslation' table and manually enter your references in here. The 'Profile' field is the name of the profile used in Link (e.g. Site1) and is case senstivie. The other fields should be the same as per the grid in the Link software.

    Note that once you enter the duplicates you cannot edit or save your profile via the Link interface until the duplicate entries have been removed.

    If you have any problems with this then you can restore the backup.

