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Share many sites on same cgi-bin folder

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    Share many sites on same cgi-bin folder

    Ok How can I put this so you can understand.
    Our company needs differents sites on the same domain, in different folders,
    When I make a new site on the same domain but different folder,
    I see that the files are overrighting the files on the cgi-bin folder,
    I was wondering how Can i make so each site will have different folder on the cgi-bin folder.
    So it wont conflict.

    I hope i made it clear enough.


    Set a different script number for each site. That should work.

    If you really want to keep the sites seperate then consider creating a cgi-bin in each of your site sub-folders and getting your host to make them executable.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      "Ok How can I put this so you can understand."

      Its usually the noobs that cannot speak properly, not the natives that cannot understand

      i'd use orders of 10 to set your script number. 10, 20, 30.

      space them out, in case you ever need to incriment the script of a particular site by 1, in case of a server error. this I have done, as a quick fix, many times.

      that is, if you can only have a single cgi-bin folder.

      other than that, seperate executable folders are the way forward.


        thx alot for the help, now I know what to do

