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Related product link to Single Product page

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    Related product link to Single Product page

    Hi I'm a new user so hopefully I getting this right!

    The Related product list is an extend infomation page.

    When I click on one of the related product link it take me back to the sub category section and not to the Single Product page of the seleted product

    Example of one of the link I'm getting for a product:

    Intstead of the above link (to sub category section) I was hoping to get to the Single Product page:

    I'm using actinic designer v


    Ron Prout
    Logo Design and Marketing

    Don't use extended info pages for SPP setup, it's the worst method.


      Oh is it! What is the better method?
      Logo Design and Marketing


        i was JUST about to start a shop idea where i used extended info pages.

        could you help me (and this chap too) understand why i shouldnt?


          SPP Explained



            I am already using ext info page for SPP. If I knew using sections for SPP was better for SEO I would of gone that route. I have meta data on ext info page already.

            I would like to know if you can link your Related products to the ext info page and search results as well.
            Elliott - Weybridge Lights



              I'm sure you can, in fact i'm pretty certain i have read it detailed on this forum some time ago, but what is the point of pursuing an incorrect road, just because you chose the wrong one in the first place. That sounds bonkers to me personally, but each to their own I guess. I still can't fathom out why people who want long term success, refuse to think in anything but the short term with their decisions.


                So you think I should change the way my site is even if I already have meta data on the ext info pages.

                If you want you can have a look at the way I have my ext info page layout.


                I do know what you mean about doing it the right way to make it better in the long run.

                Any advise would be grateful
                Elliott - Weybridge Lights



                  I managed to do it a while back :-


                  but then scrapped my site and got Lee (leehack) to re-do it as my SEO wasn't working.

                  Now on proper SPP with a site designed by Lee and in the last three months I have seen massive improvements in rankings and vistors.

                  All I can say is 'Heed his advice'

                  Home Cinema Receivers and Speakers for Audio Visual Entertainment
                  Authorised Dealers for Yamaha/ Monitor Audio/ Kef/ Onkyo/ Marantz/ Denon/ and more..


                    Hi I had time to read your 'SPP Explained' topic this evening Leehack - great help!

                    Unfortunately I'm not building my website from scratch and all the sections and extended informations e.t.c. are already done (by someone else!). Is there a quick way (i.e. by database) to convert extended information to sub-sections or does this need to be done manually - I'm hoping it will be former!!!!
                    Logo Design and Marketing


                      Andy at codepath has an addon you can buy (about £150 i think) that does this for you, however even after it has done its job, you will still ideally need to go in and alter/add certain parts. This is a real fundamental and key area of your site, I am yet to find a successful way of doing this part quickly, whilst also maximising its potential. If anyone ever finds one, please do let me know! You may find a spreadsheet is another alternative to speed things up, but even that will take time as you will probably need to learn how to work with hierarchical exports/imports first.

                      Perhaps the article Andrew links to is your best bet for a while until you have more time to devote to this.


                        For next time! Database or manual?

                        Thanks for your replies guys!

                        I'll try to do the 'correct way' on my next web site if I can!

                        I've asked my database guy if he could set this up with the next job (sub-sections for each product e.t.c. as per 'SPP Explained' web site) and his reply was that is was not possible for him to create this as it would require me to build the hierarchy in my code which I cannot do.!

                        Is he right then that this is a manual job for me to do (or client) or is there a quicker way by other databases?

                        Logo Design and Marketing


                          My database guy!

                          Sorry I forgot to mention our database guy is working on the EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) with Stock control and order with handling software for us.

                          So this might make it more tricky to quickly set it up!
                          Logo Design and Marketing


                            As Lee hinted at - Excel is your friend here.

                            In basic steps

                            Export your site and look at the resulting file in Excel. You can then extract all the information you need from this file by sorting and deleting all the bumph.

                            Using the many text functions and autofill in Excel will let you come up with a list of all your products with all their attributes. You can then import these back into Actinic using the flat file import for standard attributes or use the converter to make a hierarchical file for custom variables.
                            The pipe (|) is used to create subsections
                            Unusual Silver Jewellery
                            Giftmill - Unusual Gifts
                            Crystal Healing Jewellery
                            Steampunk Jewellery


                              Related product/best seller links to extended info pages

                              Hey Andrew (Quantum),

                              I just wanted to check with you first before I try it on my site, did that coding change you did (in 2007) on the link you gave us (see below) worked ok and it didn't effected anything else on the site with the code you have removed after changing the variable name?


                              Time is running out for me to finish my web site (

                              Logo Design and Marketing

