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Adding Videos Section (View & Download) Help

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    Adding Videos Section (View & Download) Help


    First of all this is my first post & i will try to explain myself best i can but im still at amateur lever of customizing my actinic.

    I wish to have a section on my site for Video tutorials which i can keep adding to without much hassle. I am going to either use YouTube to host the videos or make my own flash players that i have no trouble with.

    But when i go to customize the section Under "Videos & Tutorials" when i change a button etc it changed that button on all pages i just want to be able to change things on that page without it changing other pages too, i think this is to do with the templates & i know it will be sooo simple to do but im not actinic minded yet lol.

    Thanks in advance.

    Are we using the force to see what you are on about or you providing a link at some stage?


      Was unable if i was allowed to post links.

      Here you go..

      Uk Plaster

      When i change the 'Add to Cart' to 'Download Video' It changes the text throught the whole website.


        That text is global for the add to cart button, so it will do that. Are people actually buying these videos? If not then i don't suspect you will need to use an add to cart button at all. Can you clarify whether these are free and downloaded by anyone or do they need to be bought?

        I think you just need a brochure page and fragments to be honest, tutorial on my site about them if you need to clarify.


          Thanks for the fast respond.

          These are not for sale they are free. I just want to be ablt to add 2 buttons, "Download Video" & "Watch Video Online" and im unsure about this brochure page and fragments tbh will check out your tutorials now pal.


            If you want to add these to an actual product as extras for example, you can use the 'link' tab on the actual product. If it is just a page of videos then a brochure page will probably be best, again fragments have a 'link' tab.


              Cheers sounds good, will have a play about.

              Thanks 4 your help.


