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Tell Us If You've Seen It Cheaper button

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    Tell Us If You've Seen It Cheaper button

    Hi - I have had a request for some sort of "Tell Us If You've Seen This Product Cheaper" button to be displayed on the product somewhere. Has anyone any thoughts on this and how it might be done (using some sort of form presumably).

    Any info useful.

    Well i'd presume you will want to speak to the customer to try match it, so a simple message and a phone number would suffice.


      You could modify the "email a friend" link in the knowledge base

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        I have a "Price Match Request" form setup on my website using MachForm ( a search on these forums for "machform" should bring up a couple discussion threads for it)
        Darren Guppy
        Golf Tee Warehouse
        Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


          I'm with Lee on this, most people shopping on the internet, want to buy there and then.

          The prospect of having to submit an email and wait for a reply, may result in a loss of custom. Get to them straight away IMO

          Army Gore-tex
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            I'm with Lee on this, most people shopping on the internet, want to buy there and then.

            The prospect of having to submit an email and wait for a reply, may result in a loss of custom. Get to them straight away IMO
            Absolutely true. If someone is in buying mode then they want to buy there and then. There is a problem though in that many customers shop in the evenings and weekends when there might be no-one to answer the phone so both methods make sense.

            The best of course would be a 'call us now' action call when there's someone to answer the phone and a form for the rest of the time. Quite easily done in javascript.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Live chat for this kind of thing is perfect, I have a couple of clients who swear by it, incredibly cheap for what it does and the best solution IMO if we are talking about dealing with the customer there and then and maximising enquiries into sales. Filling out forms, waiting for replies and all that mallarky is old hat and very retro nowadays IMO.

              A cold customer rarely buys.


                I thought about integrating live chat before - though the only problem is the majority of our orders come in during the evenings/weekends.

                This then means when somebody is in the office during our opening times, there won't be half as many enquiries during the day than at night. Then we'd have to get somebody to sit in the office at night. Probably need someone at the computer most of the day too as I can't see many customers going on a live chat, asking a question and waiting 10 minutes for somebody to finally notice there's somebody talking.

                If anyone has a more suited integration/process for live chat, I'd be very eager to hear it




                  The 'live' aspect of live chat probably accounts for 20% of its usefulness, it's the back office that is truly remarkable IMO. That will teach you so much about your site and your users.

                  I agree with you, these things need to be manned 5pm-9pm ideally and once it proves its worth and effectiveness, you can look to employ during these hours. There are certain marketplaces where live chat and the staff member to operate it easily and i mean really easily pay for themselves. If you can get into the psychy of treating live chat the same as a phone call, an email or a visitor into a retail outlet, you are onto a winner.

                  In competitive marketplaces, it's the little things that count, exactly as you say it's the manning of it that is the issue, but this is also the absolute reason why you should do it, it will lift your site above most, if not all others in your sector.

                  People need to stop running websites on a 9-5 basis, get your operating times inline with the vast majority of your users for both instant and remarkable success.


                    Especially if you have a lot of overseas customers... Our 9-5 may be massively different from theirs.

                    Army Gore-tex
                    Winter Climbing Mitts
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                      I'm sold on that idea - thanks to the both of you.

                      Though one final query would be which live chat software to use - there's a lot of them out there and ideally I'd want one that A) can integrate quite well within Actinic and b) isn't open source

                      OS is okay for some uses, but when it breaks, you can't call somebody up and give them stick for it until they fix it



                        I'd only recommend one paid for solution, around £40 per month last time i looked and that is LivePerson. It's added to this site - - really easy to add.


                          I have been having chats recently about this and the plastic site, its very common to take calls from someone sitting infront of their pc. So we are pondering the idea of live chat, not sure how much we can gain from it in regards of extra custom maybe those that dont want to ring might be mor einclined people. Could be an interesting experiment.


                            This was the company that took my attention when I looked into a live chat a few months ago.
                            Football Heaven

                            For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                              i have just installed this in a test space, seems to work ok, its simple chat, it lets you redirect to another operator if you need and emails when offline

                              left hand menu column at the bottom

