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Adding code without Designers - login page

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    Adding code without Designers - login page


    I need to add a 'forgotten password' link to a login page. I know that Actinic isn't dynamic and can't automate this.
    I have created a new html form page which will send the admin team a reminder request via email.

    I need to add to the login page the url link to the form. Ideally within Business Client and not Designer. Is it possible to add the code
    <a href="">Forgotten your login detail? Click here</a>
    directly to a .pl script within the site folder on the PC using notepad?


    You cannot directly change the design with Client. It may be possible to externally delve into the database and make a change to the required layout but it would be very difficult to do and could easily mess up your site.

    You could login to your server space with an FTP client and make a change to the relevant page/pages but this would get overwritten on the next Actinic upload.

    Your designer should be making this change for you.


      I'm the designer of the site. My client is very reluctant to have the site down for any period of time due to the amount of customers they have.

      I'm looking for an alternative method to update the site with this new link.
      Is it not possible to add the relevant code into a .pl script or html file and replace it in sites folder on the C drive?


        The design layouts are stored in the access database and not as static html files.

        You might be able to make a change in your copy and then generate the site files then copy the page/s that you need and ftp the change but you're treading on dangerous waters.


          "I'm looking for an alternative method to update the site with this new link."

          it does not exist, give up.

          finding this template and understanding the database is complicated. make a backup, or face the consequences.

          i'm having trouble understanding why the site would be down?

          cant you just edit the template on their machine?

