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Product plugin for other websites

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    Product plugin for other websites

    Applogies if this has been asked before but I couldn't find any answers.

    Is there a plugin or method for allowing other people to host our products from their website in much the same way that you can plugin a youtube video?

    EG : Client A likes our product. They offer to have a link back to our product so others can buy it. We give them a link to put into their HTML so when visitors come to their site, they will see a picture of the product, breif description and price with a link to purchase from our site.

    If your product details were compact enough you could create an Extended Info Page that includes an add-to-cart button. Then give your remote sites an IFRAME that includes the url of said extended info page. Gotcha would be that if someone bought that item, they'd have to do it all within said IFRAME.

    A better way would be to create an additional popup page (details in the Advanced Guide) containing a brief product summary which has a "Buy Now" button that takes you to the real product in a new browser window.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Not as complex as you'd like, but this kb article would partly do what you want.
      Last edited by KB2; 22-Mar-2010, 04:01 PM. Reason: Updating kb link


        the internet has this feature built in, its called a 'link'

        why dont you just generate some code?

        <p>Copy and paste this to your site</p>
        <a href="">{this product name}</a></textarea>

