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Addresses not printing fully on invoices

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    Addresses not printing fully on invoices

    V9.0.3 Business

    I've searched about and can't find any previous record of this, which surprises me as I surely can't be the first/only one suffering from it!

    Anyways, we have a problem with addresses not printing out in full on some offline orders.
    The details show, in full, in the 'customer' tab of the order and they also show when I generate an 'order summary' (Right click, order summary) but they show (seemingly) random lines from the address only when I print an invoice.

    It's only happening on OFFLINE orders (which are made using Operations > New Order as we are unable to use the MOTO form due to an unrelated bug, previously reported )

    Example, an order was placed offline with a different delivery address to invoice (something not available ONline, not sure if that may be relevent to the problem)
    All address fields were completed however, on the invoice, it printed Name, postcode and country for the invoice address and only Name, Address Line 3 and country for the delivery address.
    I confirmed that an order summary and the order details are full and correct and there doesn't seem to be anything amiss in Design > Text (I can't think that it would be a problem here or it ought to be affecting all order, online or offline, and it isn't)

    I appreciate that I'm going to need to contact support with a snapshot for this but was wondering if anyone else had experienced something similar (only thread vaguely similar, that I found, was THIS ONE )
    This is the only site that I have this problem with.

    Cheers (and hope that makes sense. Have been interrupted 3 times, during typing, by a poorly 5yo!)

    Wonder-Jan saves the day!!

    Thanks to Jan's help, we tracked the problem down to carriage returns before the details in the address
    They were often being C&Ped from email information and were pasting with a carriage return in front.
    These lines were the ones that were missing on the invoice

    It was more obvious (and I was able to confirm it) on MY computer because it is on Windows XP and these carriage returns show as 2 black bars in the field.
    Unfortunately, the other laptop is on Vista and doesn't show these bars at all so it's impossible to see them meaning you can't delete them when you DO see them (which is what I do on mine anyway)

    Re-typing the addresses from scratch does fix it so I guess it's no C&P on a Vista laptop then, for fear of putting in invoice-wrecking invisible carriage returns

    HUGE thanks to Jan, without whom I would still be swearing at V9 (again)


      so you broke it and Jan fixed it for you


        Originally posted by Darren B View Post
        so you broke it and Jan fixed it for you
        oh ner ner

        actually Nik and Vista broke it, Jan fixed it


          oh blame poor nik then

