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Search Result Problem

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    Search Result Problem

    I have the search function working on my site and it brings up correct results when a search is entered.

    However, if you try and click on one of the results, instead of taking you to the product, you get the following error :

    You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/ on this server

    Permissions on the cgi-bin folder are set as 755 and on the .pl file as 777 which I would have thought should allow full permission.

    Have refreshed the website several times in case it was a corruption problem when uploading but still doing it.

    Any advice appreciated.

    Try a website purge and refresh as the other scripts seem to run ok.


      I've tried refreshing but still getting the same error - not certain how to do a purge though.

      I've also just noticed that I get a similar error if I view my cart and then click the checkout button :

      You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/ on this server.

      Is it possible to just kill all the code from the website and have Actinic completely regenerate the website and scripts ?


        Gio to Help - Troubleshooting and you can select Website Purge and Refresh. You have the option to delete cat files and perl scripts - only delete scripts if you haven't modified any of them though otherwise your changes wil be lost if you haven't got backups.

        You can also try changing the script ID in Network Settings to any other number. Be aware also that if you have created hardcoded links that use the script ID then they will not work if you change the script ID.


          Have changed the script ID from 1 to 2 and done a purge of the website as advised but still get the same error but with the script name being number 2 :

          You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/ on this server

          Anymore suggestions ?


            Not a real cure but a quick fix would be to go to Settings / Search Settings / Results and uncheck Highlight Located Text. The search won't then use at all. The script is responsible for highlighting the search terms and not using it will also speed up page delivery.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              that's a nifty tip actually, Norman!
              Have a gold star


                Permissions on the cgi-bin folder are set as 755 and on the .pl file as 777
                You should change the permissions on the .pl and .pm files to 755. I have seen it before whereby too much permissions will cause it to stop working. It is also not a good idea to give 'write' access to everyone on these files.


                  Thanks. Have reset the file permissions to 755 but problem still persists.

                  Cliscking "Basket" or "Checkout" work fine from normal pages but if I click from either one onto the other then I get the error.

                  You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/ on this server.
                  You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/ on this server.

                  Search function now works great after Normans suggestion so thank you for that.


                    Have you contacted your host to see if they can shed any light on this? It would seem that going to checkout/view basket from a page already running a script is the problem. Your host may be able to get more information from the server error logs. Also check if those two files mentioned have the same ownership as the rest of the cgi scripts.

