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Error: Drop-down permutation lists

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    Error: Drop-down permutation lists

    Same error message, same old story.

    I read the threads which Tracey and Lee both published their issues and possibly solutions, which I'm not 100% clear about.

    I've shown my artistic nature with a screen print, which you can view HERE - this shows the permutations how they appear within Actinic.

    Online, Actinic hits the wall, here. Giving the infamous:

    Error: Drop-down permutation lists only work with a single attribute within a component.

    What it appears to have done is collate the data from component number 1, into component number 2 and displays one big mess. Although component number 3 works ok, component number 4 doesn't even get a mention online.

    What's most annoying is that on the Page Preview, component number 1 literally disappears. If I mark the section as Deleted and then Undelete the section - component 1 comes back again, albeit without the error message as above. Component no.4 never returns. Seems this is generated when the site is published online.

    It would be very much appreciated if somebody that suffered from this problem could save my sanity and provide a solution - Actinic's really starting to push the limits, honestly don't know if I can take much more of this



    What happens if you delete the first attribute with the single choice?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Oh my this will blow your mind, escape now, no really do honest.

      It comes about because actinic lets you 'fill' a list with more than one attribute, it all goes tits up from there. You can have more than one attribute but not if for permutations.

      IIRC that is, my head is still shot from it.


        Originally posted by leehack View Post
        IIRC that is, my head is still shot from it.
        Are you sure?????

        I did the same thing (if I can decipher your brummie accent) last night with multiple components & choices via the autofill and it works fine (v9.0.3)

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          The way it is laid out is:

          Component 1
          Grade A - a checkbox
          Base Fabric - Drop down list
          Scatter Fabric - Drop down list

          Component 2
          Grade B - a checkbox
          Base Fabric - Drop down list
          Scatter Fabric - Drop down list

          Component 3
          Grade C - a checkbox
          Base Fabric - Drop down list
          Scatter Fabric - Drop down list

          Component 4
          Grade D - a checkbox
          Base Fabric - Drop down list
          Scatter Fabric - Drop down list

          The checkboxes hold the price value - a Grade A suite, regardless of which fabrics selected in the drop down lists, costs £XX, Grade B costs £XXX, Grade C £XXXX and Grade D £XXXXX - all are price-dependent on the checkbox, the drop down lists are only there to allow the customer to select which fabric they want with their Grade of suite.

          The 'Permutations' are set so that Grade A can have Any Choice and Any Choice, with a price override of £XX, Grade B can have Any Choice and Any Choice, with a price override of £XXX, Grade C can have Any Choice and Any Choice, with a price override of £XXXX and Grade D can have Any Choice and Any Choice, with a price override of £XXXXX.

          Trying not to confuse myself here, lol.

          So anyway, am currently making a full copy of the Site1 folder before I attempt to delete Component 1 - I can't remember the number of times I've had to delete products and re-do them with all the permutations to get by this problem. Will update this in, as Windows says, "4 minutes remaining"



            Originally posted by jont View Post
            Are you sure?????

            I did the same thing (if I can decipher your brummie accent) last night with multiple components & choices via the autofill and it works fine (v9.0.3)
            multiple components is different to multiple attributes within components though, isn't it?

            I can't even bring myself to 'go there' this morning (sorry, Grant ) because I remember these conversations with Lee and they're making me feel all edgy and nervous.
            I'm blocking them out of my memory...think happy thoughts


              Thanks Tracey

              The first product in a section seems to be the only one that is problematic. Once I solve one product in the first section, the first product in the section below develops the problem, and so on and so forth.

              This is driving me absolutely bonkers. Seems the only solution to this issue (which is one of very many) is to re-create the entire cane furniture section, and creating four products for one product (ie. a product for grade a, product for grade b, etc) - if this is the best solution Actinic can give I think that confirms it's time to set sail.

              Now, there's a happy thought!


                Hi Grant,

                Can you check the component layout that you are using. Make sure that they are set to 'Standard Component Layout' and see if that helps.


                  At section level, Component Layout is set to Use Parent (=Standard Component Layout) - this is the same at Component level. Permutations are using 'Permutation Drop Down List'.

                  I'm just taking another backup of the Site1 folder before I revert these layouts back to factory defaults. Sucks being a pessimist lol


                    I don't see this problem in the snapshot that I have of yours Grant. It all looks correct. I see that you have raised a support ticket so I think we would need your latest snapshot to check what is happening.



                      I have e-mailed you with further details. This only seems to have happened in the past couple of days - the only changes made have been the attempted fix of the MOTO form and new sections/products being created, no new images have been added so I suspect you will only need the updated database.


