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New Products List in Side bar = Total weirdness!!!

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    New Products List in Side bar = Total weirdness!!!

    Hi this is what is in my Layout Code: standard new products item:

    <a href="<actinic:variable formatting="font(Color|ffffff)" name="SearchCGIURL" />?PRODREF=<actinic:variable name="ProductID" />&amp;NOLOGIN=1<actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsHostMode%22%20%2f%3e">&amp;SHOP=<actinic:variable formatting="font(Color|ffffff)" name="ShopID" /></actinic:block>"><actinic:variable formatting="font(Color|ffffff)" encoding="actinic" name="ProductName" /></a>

    This outputs to this address:

    which obviously only exists in a multidimensional chickens head.

    Stripping out the addded in Actinic hoo ha we get this: which is the 'new' product that should be linked to. Though for some reason it doesn't work from here!!

    What the feck is going on here? Why is Actinic putting in this extraneous code to all the prodcuts listed in my new products sidebar?

    Pearls most welcome

    CE Multimedia

    Originally posted by Cal View Post
    Why is Actinic putting in this extraneous code to all the prodcuts listed in my new products sidebar?
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      I'd just like it to work and I can't work out why it's doing this....all the other parts of the site work fine but for some reason, the new products list urls are getting mangled into this:

      I just want it to go to the product I've input as a new product in Marketing | New Product Listing. It seems to do this via the cgi-bin as when I strip out all the extra code that is being put in I do get to this page which is correct:
      CE Multimedia


        Why is Actinic putting in this extraneous code to all the prodcuts listed in my new products sidebar
        COS thats how it works


          Ok, that's fine but I've not worked on Actinic for a long time and I'm just trying to sort out an issue for a friend...anyone got a spanner?
          CE Multimedia


            Hey Cal

            Just followed your second URL and got the dreaded 'Zeus' page not found error.

            I will assume you're using Namesco - save yourself, or your client, or both - and do not use Namesco for an Actinic site. Nothing but trouble unless you're a Zeus expert - which very few people are (I know, I found out the hard way). Although Namesco state they are Actinic-compatible, we have the Designer package (not sure about other packages) - this is not Actinic-compatible at all! (Hell, I'd go as far as saying it's not even compatible for any website!)

            Yes, Zeus is phenomenal at balancing load on the server, but is absolutely useless for everything else. Trying to re-direct non-www to www using Rewrite.Script is not an easy job, unlike the simple htaccess rules you can use on apache server.

            Off topic or what? Actinic+Namesco=No go.


              thanks for the heads-up grant
              CE Multimedia



                The styling code is not Actinic standard for those layouts - reset them back to factory and style the <a> in the stylesheet instead ... NEVER use the inbuilt styling ... this is actually part of the terms in the agreement at installation

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

