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Missing css background images

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    Missing css background images

    Hi there,

    This is my first venture in Actinic and I seem to have fallen at the first hurdle. I've made my outer layout in dreamweaver, imported it into actinic through the Dreamweaver extension but when I view the site through Actinic none of my css background images appear?

    I followed all the steps in the help guide like adding quotes around the image names and uploaded all the files to sites folder. The strange thing is that all the other styles in my stylesheet render ok?

    Can anyone help me out?

    Many thanks.

    Try moving one of the failing styles out of your css and into the actinic.css. If that works you are experiencing the background image bug most likely. If that does not fix it then you are doing something wrong and we'd need some info or further details.


      Hey leehack, thanks for getting back to me. I think I have managed to sort out the problem (Ithink) by moving all the images and stylesheet into the 'Site 1' folder instead of the parent 'Sites' folder. Would you say it is better to keep all my styles together on the actinic stylesheet rather than having an additional stylesheet?

      Many thanks
      Last edited by fourone; 03-Mar-2009, 05:37 PM. Reason: spelling


        I wouldn't say it is better no because you lose the css interface you get in DW that does not exist in actinic. Is it less problematic, most definitely yes. During a build is probably best in DW and then merge it all into the actinic sheet at the end.


          Ok cool, many thanks leehack.


            It is speed for me - I tend to externalise (don't care if the spell check does not like the word it looks good to me ) the style sheet into Notepad so can quickly alt+tab between Actinic design mode and the style sheet.

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

