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Usinfg different coupons

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    Usinfg different coupons

    I've just upgraded to business for the additional benefits. This maybe a simple question, but having read all the help and the forum and tried on the programme I'm still a bit confused.

    Can you have different coupons for different product groups. ie Can you have a coupon 'cheap' giving say 5% of the product group 'books' and have another coupon 'discount' giving say 7% of the product group 'clothes' etc.

    Thanks for your help.


    Yes you can. You can apply a coupon code to a specific group. Have a go at setting up 2 examples and see how you do it is the best way I find, it's a somewhat complicated area because of the amount of things it needs to offer people. What is failing or where have you got stuck, can you provide a screenshot?

    Have you setup your product groups for starters and then selected them from the drop down list on the discounts setup page?


      Thanks for the info. I have now been experimenting and come up with a problem that you may be able to solve. I have made 2 product groups and assigned a separate coupon to each product group. I've actually uploaded it to my site to play with it.

      Each coupon does work and gives the correct discount. However, if a customer orders a product from both product groups they can only use 1 coupon. If I use one coupon and it gives a discount, if I then use a different coupon it overides the other coupon.

      Is there a way that I can use multiple coupons at the same time. The reason being that I want to give different discounts for each of the different product groups.

      Any thoughts from the wise and experienced people?


        Originally posted by fermain View Post
        I have now been experimenting and come up with a problem that you may be able to solve
        I just love the way you phrased that


          Good question, not going to be possible as you want to do it though IMO. Probably going to need to merge the 2 offers in some way.


            So if you stop experimenting you won't have problems.
            Quote of the day.

