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Minimum Order Value for registered customers NOT WORKING

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    Minimum Order Value for registered customers NOT WORKING

    Hi I have raised this question in december last year, but was terribly busy to follow up, and now I cant find that post, so the new one is here

    After customer logs-in and tries to add item to cart (less than minimum order value) he gets error:

    CGI Error
    The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.


    hmmmm... wiered why its happening only whilst validating this, do you recall getting the same message at any other stage, also have you modified any perl scripts at all? have you tried and purge and refresh of the site?

    Finally who are you hosted with? I ask this because we have had problems like this being down to the hosting servers....

    Kiran Chandran
    Technical Support - SellerDeck

    Further help can also be found at


      Hi, thanks for the reply.

      I host the site myself on IIS 6.

      I have ammended perl script to produce different order numbers

      There are no other problems with th site.

      I tried purge & refresh, even installed a fresh copy of actinic on different PC and uploaded to other server and the problem still existed.

      If you wish I can upload site backup to our web server for you to download and look into it on your platform.

