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Shipped but not shipped after re-install

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    Shipped but not shipped after re-install

    I recently had a HD error and reformatted it and reinstalled Actinic catalog. The backup worked fine and restored the site including all the payments details, merchant account etc.

    The only problem that ocurred is now I'm doing the sales process in exactly the same way as before ( its written down so I dont skip steps) it tells me it can't print an invoice because the order is not shipped even thought it's marked as shipped.

    Line items says - no Ordered 1, no Shipped 1
    Payments says line item delivery - Pending.
    % Shipped - 0.
    My process is - Retrieve order, Generate packing list, Go to payments and commit baklance then becomes £0, go to line items and click ship, print invoice and the sales clears into completed tab.

    If anyone can shed some light on this I'd be grateful.

    Hi there is a bug which affects some orders adn they don't ship properly and wont move to the completed tab. If you export the order this should clear it if that is the main crux of your problem.

    Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


      Thanks very much, I'll give it a try.

