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VAT not applied at checkout for Manx customer

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    VAT not applied at checkout for Manx customer

    A customer from the Isle of Man has purchased a product from our website which is NOT exempt from VAT, however VAT was not added at checkout.

    The Isle of Man is not a VAT exempt area, and I don't understand why Actinic has done this.

    Does anybody know how we can overcome this problem?

    Thank you

    Isle of Man obviously should come under UK - but have you defined UK regions in your shipping table, IIRC it doesn't do this for the UK as default (but does for the US)


      Oh thats just marvellous... I've just looked and Isle of Man isn't even an option???

      How on earth do I specify something which doesn't exist??

      Am I completely missing the point here, can you please help me before I throw the PC out the window


        Lol - one of those days huh.

        You need to go to Settings > Locations and select the UK, then create the regions. Can't remember off the top of my head the exact steps but it's definitely in there, I did it myself only last week.

        Tax doesn't have to be taxing, y'know


          He he he... thanks for that! Not sure whether I can be bothered to attempt this right now... I can hear a bottle of wine calling to me (yes, definitely one of THOSE days!)

          Will try this and see if I can figure it out....

          Thanks again

