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Line spaces between option box and add to cart button

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    Line spaces between option box and add to cart button

    Hi all. Like the title says I currently have four lines of empty space between the options box, where in this case shoppers can choose a shoe size, and the add to cart button below it. I've tried looking in the design tab to see the code but Actinic closes instantly every time I do that, even after two reinstalls.

    Is there a layout function I can access to remove a couple of those empty lines?

    Apologies if this is somewhere in the documentation but as a new user and utter noob I don't know the right terms for what I want to do and that makes searching for it difficult.

    Thanks again


    When you say Actinic closes - what exactly are you doing which causes it to close? Simply opening the design tab, or opening a specific layout?


      thanks Grant - I click on the design tab and Actinic immediately shuts down and I'm back to the desktop without Actinic running.


        The crashing Actinic needs resolving first - forget the line breaks - this sounds like a typically corrupted layout - rolling it back is going to be the first step ... in the Library search for all amended layouts and start with the ones that you have been playing with most recently - right click and reset to factory. This often happens if you nest a layout in a place it is not meant to be or when you create an infinite loop in a layout list.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

