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MOTO form adding prices wrong

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    MOTO form adding prices wrong

    Hoping someone can point me in the right direction, when I use the MOTO form to put in orders ( alot of my product prices are are built up from componants with price permutations) these carry across correctly on the form to the cart but when I press the update button the price changed and for some reason only add the componants prices of the last 2 products and any fixed price products. As an database programer I can see in the database that the items are being saved in the database without their componants. I will amit I have played with the design and layouts but dont see why this should affect the MOTO form. Dont expect any one have a compleat solution but if anyone can point me in the right direction would be great. The online site is working fine and no other problems with actinic. Using buisness V9 have update to 9.0.3 hoping to get rid of problem did not.
    Free your creativity

    Much as I hate to say this, IMO, the MOTO form is still borked.
    I have this problem consistently with incorrect component prices/calculations and, until Actinic actually DO something about it, I don't see a way round it.
    Not what you wanted to hear, I know


      I agree, our component prices don't work properly with moto but only where we have 3 choices or more! And then they work back to front - just what you need when you are taking orders over the phone!

      Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


        When I talk to people about V9, the MOTO form is a big selling point, a working MOTO form would be worth the upgrade itself IMO, I love the idea, particularly with the AP integration. They gotta get it corrected, it's clearly an issue and must be software related. I wish these side issues would stop detracting away from what has been added, it's very frustrating for all involved.


          To fix try :

          Design > Business Settings > Order Processing

          If you have "enable offline ordering" option ticked the untick and apply. That will remove the MOTO from Actinic and return sanity.

          MOTO is a great concept but really needs shaking up to make it stable and usable. I am having to rebuild a site which has had the MOTO blitzed after a design snapshot import.

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

